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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. I think it comes with practice. If you keep busy and catch plenty you won’t get sea sick 😉 I’ve heard that Quells are good as a seasickness tablet but I’ve not needed them so can’t vouch for their effectiveness
  2. Where do we find it? I can’t see it.... 🙄🙄🙄🙄
  3. They are good. I’ve got similar inside my boat although I need thicker foam in the berth up in the bow. What little room there is, is taken by the dog too so I need to get it sorted for the summer 🤣
  4. You not sold Apache yet? 😬 Sellers market apparently so hopefully she’ll go soon 🙂
  5. It’s everywhere. plastic parts electronics has a massive worldwide shortage. We can’t get parts made in plastic. Raw material for injected moulded parts has increased in price by 50%. Struggle with metal parts too. No containers to ship products so must be hard for other imported goods. Anyway tight lines on the wrecking, post a report 🙂
  6. Anchor up but be prepared to move, bounce your bait around, hold your rod. Ragworm can be good for bream too. I find that they can very patchy, keep the bait moving to find them 🙂 they scrap well and taste lovely
  7. Just so there no issues with dogfish envy 😂😂😂
  8. Looks great 🙂 lookibg forward to hear of lots of boat adventures 🙂
  9. Welcome to the mad house there’s a few from that area..... they love dogfish though 🤣
  10. Here they are... in his defence they are not candy stripe
  11. He’s been down his boat today.... adding cushions.....
  12. Can’t.... I’ve got 4 tons of concrete to lay instead 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
  13. FOC which is good. Also the honesty was nice, could of easily ripped me off and said needed a new fuel flow sensor as that’s what the diagnostics said.... He did say he hates timing belts on those engines and connecting it up in December with cold hands is always a bad idea 🤣
  14. So it’s back up and running.... There is a fuel flow sensor harness whiz head removed to get to the fly wheel to get to the tensioner to get to the timing belt. It’s a daft place (I saw the pictures) and as the mechanic had thought he’d done it up tight but hadn’t when doing timing belt. So engine thought it had no fuel when it did.... Anyway good to go...
  15. Nice fish 🙂 Send some to wales? It’s just over the Irish Sea 🙂
  16. Yeah that was a bit shitty. It was obvious he was after Tuna! Stupid thing to do when he says he goes light for blues then rocks up with a 50W rod and harness for “sharks” yeah right! 😡😡😡😡
  17. I don’t wear sunglasses on the boat. I got out the habit when fishing out of Cardiff as you need X-Ray vision it’s so murky.... Oh and the main reason is it’s wales, we don’t get sunshine here 🤣
  18. Great report! Not done a plaice trip myself, only caught off the beach but very tasty 😋
  19. My concern is the “inspiration” he gives other to head out in small boats.... Nice missus though....
  20. I hope so! Some of the guys from CBYC have taken their boats down to Milford so I’m seeing pics of blue sea and fish on WhatsApp. I’ve got 300kg of mackerel being delivered next week so need boat up and running soon to get me out there to use all this bait 🤣
  21. Always nice when that happens. I’m jealous 🤣
  22. True.... coujd be MAF, fuel flow, injectors, CDI, coils, phase of moon... Hopefully diagnostics will show sensor else its get mechanic to look at spark plugs and work back from there...
  23. I offered to take him out but he was busy working Hes got a new bench seat for his boat for the new lady to sit on when she comes out....
  24. Who said it was a woman 😮😬
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