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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. I’ve been kicked off 2 Facebook groups about shark fishing as I pointed out that instead of paying £££££ for “special” wire you can use normal stuff for 16p/m. These clowns charging people £20 for a rig when it only costs £2 weren’t too happy... Some right shit being talked about with engines too.... apparently my boat must do 10l/mile.... when I disagree I’m told I do t k ow what I’m on about.... erm.... I just fill the tanks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think lockdown is driving people round the bend...
  2. I’m sure they could sort something for you. i have no affiliation, just impressed with the bits I got. I wanted a very wide bait board and had to make my own in the end as couldn’t find anything customisable.... so these guys maybe able to help 🙂
  3. Odyssey

    It's home

    As we say here.... If a pikey wants it and it’s chained down they’ll take the chain too! I’m quite glad my boat is not in Cardiff at the moment. As it’s not that hard to get access and have a rummage on boats.... At least Milford haven is manned 24/7 with people who live aboard in the Marina too. 🙂
  4. I forgot to add, if you send a sketch they will customise it to your needs/suit your boat 🙂
  5. Seen these guys on Facebook If you’re after a high quality bait board then look good. https://baitboards.ecwid.com I’ve made my own but nylon board ain’t cheap. It’s since been split into 2 smaller ones. I ordered the knife tidy so that T bar, knife and pliers are always to hand when sharking. Very good quality.
  6. Thanks to the recommendation of @JDP and @Ivan Tuna I ordered one. Fantastic piece of kit. Not cheap but will last for years. If you’re spooling small beach reels it’s over kill but for a 50W Penn international for mako it’s going to be great. Also my small reels with 20lb braid for reef pollack and tope I’m going to want to get the braid well bedded in to avoid breakage. Im sure a few mates may want to borrow it too....
  7. It’s a cannon mini troll. At £15 it will give me an idea on whether I’ll use it much. If I do then I’ll invest in a pair for the stern and run either side of the engine. Then I could run 2 surface lures and 2 deeper to avoid tangles and maximise options. I’ll give it a go this season and see how it looks.
  8. Looks like it works.... Guy selling it sells random boat bits. Looks like they are £120 on eBay so may end up on there 🤣🤣
  9. Looks like I maybe able to get my hands on one for £15. I’ll see how much line on it but hopefully ok for pulling a few lures and keeping livebaits under control when sharking.
  10. Can’t get anyone to look at the glasswork so currently it’s on hold. The hydraulic steering I can do electrics is plug and play so simple.... Not that I can get to boat mind!
  11. Coz Daisy is best dog in the world 😍
  12. Thanks 🙂 all arrived today 🙂 Knife be useful in a wedding too 😉
  13. Hard to find in U.K..... Downriggers ain’t cheap.... 😬😬😬🙄🙄🙄 I’d love to get one but a bit pricey to try out on a whim... 😑😑😑
  14. True.... Old reel, 30lb braid and a 10lb lead is about all you need...
  15. Facebook messenger is best or tag him on Facebook. He’s always posting on there.
  16. I would do if I can find one cheap.... looking to use it trolling and bait fishing on the drift without a float
  17. Raider 18 by a country mile. Put a cover on it and an auto bilge pump you’ll be fine Warrior 175 second place. A raider will get you home when it gets rough, great fuel economy and high gunnels
  18. Pete is flat out. He doesn’t have the moulds for the Evos anymore. They are done down in Padstow. I think he still has the vigilante moulds. If you look on breaksea website you can see my boat when she was first built (It’s called Lady Jue 3) mine is an Evo 30 long cabin. Brand new you’re looking at £150k+....
  19. I understand that WhiteWater 2 has £75k worth on stainless on board... To replace all of mine is about £10k Poach a couple of @JonC scaffold tubes and clamps and you’ll be fine 😎😉
  20. Not much of a football fan myself but better luck next time.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/55806211
  21. Totally awesome!!!! ive got to go to a wedding in summer for a work mate and Emma is her bridesmaid.... if you got any spare happily have one 🙂
  22. Yep COVID is on the death cert despite him going into hospital for Pneumonia. A legend though, I’ll raise a glass to him! 🙂
  23. Bass? Too easy, I’ll try for a mackerel 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 like hens teeth round here
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