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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Head down the boat and give it a clean in readiness for next Fridays release (haha)
  2. Good news 🙂 Hopefully gets sorted in time to get up for the spring and summer hounds and bream 🙂
  3. I’m lucky to have big tanks so I could get over to Ireland. Cardiff to Milford Haven uses about 1/2-2/3rds of my tanks abs that is still carrying reserve fuel. As a kid I remember reading in sea angler about huge conger and long in hurds deep along with speculation that other beasties could be lurking at the bottom. I thought I read somewhere that it’s been trawled to death but I’m maybe wrong. I guess small tides, calm day give it a go
  4. I’ll email my MP.... not sure why, I can’t think of anyone else to email and need to look busy like the rest of you.... 😬
  5. I used to find someone who wanted a trip out, get them over the side to clean it for a free trip....
  6. I hope that Spence doesn’t see this but you guys woukd have a much easier time if you could just move the IOW about 40 miles east.... Its quite a navigational hazard really.... 🤔🤔🤣🤣
  7. I’m not saying it is.... I used to do 20-30 miles for tope, 20 miles for lunker cod off Minehead. Pick your conditions and make the most of it 🙂 Your boat is more than capable, get out there and make the most of it 😁😁😁😁
  8. Alternatively you can post a picture of it filleted and on a plate 😍😍 Personally I think the images of old of a deck full of fish and anglers wading through it is more damaging. Sadly the world is full of snowflakes who think dont stop to realise that line caught fish is less damaging to the species and also the fact that it’s less likely to be wasted. If I were to go out and get 2-3 cod of 4lb each, I’d be lucky to get any myself.... word would get out and friends/family would soon pilfer them and I be left with just the peas as they’d steal my chips away too! So no chance of fish being wasted here....
  9. I head to Swansea. Fish off langland reef. May/June can be good as can late August. If you get a shoal it’s great fun 🙂
  10. Nice congers! A few whiting for tea too 🙂 In hoping lockdown lifts soon can do similar in Milford haven
  11. Sounds like seals over here.... Got cute eyes so townies love them.... absolute pain in the ass and increasing in numbers If its sustainable fill your boots of fish. As long as it’s not going to waste and not endangered then I have no issue
  12. You obviously ain’t fished with Andy then 🤣
  13. Sharks on the drift, absolute adrenaline rush. No. 2: uptiding for blondes. I can get to a Mark and have 40-50 a few hundred yards from the marina. All will be double figure some well over 20lb. Also a good chance of cod. It’s just such easy fishing, kettle on, pizza in oven, sausage rolls in oven, feet up 🙂 No 3. Cod. Tastes great 😊 no. 4: hounding. Can get too busy but I’m usually in shark country when these turn up. No 5: Bream. It’s a 40-50 mile for the bream from Milford or Cardiff so tend to make a weekend of it. Do a bit of bassing/toping too 🙂
  14. I’m in Irish waters, have had a chat with their coastguard. More friendly than ours 🙂
  15. So what happens when I’m 45 miles off wales? Do I need to fly flags then? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  16. Hi @Andy135 where did you get these printed? Can you drop me a line with contact details?
  17. Sounds more sensible..... Leaving the sun to dry it out perhaps not the most reliable 😬
  18. No way you can move it elsewhere? Maybe insurance would cover it?
  19. Ouch Is there no way they can hot vac the water out? I’ve heard about it being done for osmosis treatments but no experience of it
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