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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. That’s my point.... If 2 ladies are given a £200 fine and get on BBC news over taking a coffee for a walk 5 miles away, what’s going to happen when a beach/pier is full of fishermen out for a days fishing? It’s the long term image as well as people wanting to be out and about that needs a careful balance. Fishing is allowed in Wales, provided you walk/cycle to get there. It’s also in legislation. “Professional Judgement” is not law and it’s only a matter of time before someone challenges this. Once they do and there is a legal definition, you may find certain freedoms curtailed at that point.
  2. Exactly..... so hopefully it’s back to normal soon 🙂 (Normal being able to get gym and boat, not worried about seeing people 🤣🤣🤣)
  3. My point has already been proven.... As soon as news is announced, someone has driven from Exeter to Minehead to go fishing.... How that is local is beyond me....
  4. Nope, just have friends who have ended up in hospital in a critical condition with this. Also know others who have died. No fish is worth a life, just wish people wouldn’t be so stupid
  5. Ok so you let people go fishing, then 5 miles becomes 10 becomes 50.... Now people want to go shooting Oh wait, I fancy a round of golf, I can go out too... So it goes on.... people now others out and about, let’s jump on the bandwagon. Lockdown becomes too difficult to enforce.... COVID spreads. Sorey to be a grump but all people have to do it sit tight for 6 weeks. Or maybe you should pop and have a chat with an intensive care nurse... Where do you draw the line? If we all keep chipping away at lockdown May as well not bother
  6. Personally I think it’s crazy. Boris has asked people to stay home. COVID kills. A well known and respected fisherman in South Wales died 2 days after contracting COVOID19. He had no underlying health issues. Stay at home for a few weeks. Give fishing a good name. Save your own life if not one of your mates
  7. New Quay and around west wales is well suited for this kind of fishing. Too specialised for me.... I prefer the big open space than close quarter stuff. However, I imagine must be a real adrenaline rush catching bass off the top water on reefs etc.... May have to book myself a half day trip in the summer to give it a go 🙂
  8. 0/10 sinking boats never funny I’m afraid
  9. Just think about money you can save on fuel and spend on tackle....
  10. There is a guy in west wales, Jimmy Lemon. He does a lot of lure trips for bass and pollack. Does really well, runs charter trips too. A nice centre console boat, getting up close to cliffs and islands looks great fun 🙂 I’ve seen a few guys doing this on SIBS too. I’d tempted with a kayak to do this, a 30ft boat like mine is a bit restrictive for this kind of fishing 🤣
  11. Odyssey

    Jig Heads

    I thinking of fishing over slack/little tide with a spinning rod and jig head for pollack in the spring. Then as the tide gets going back to feathers/flying collar. We don’t get many big pollack (2-5lb is normal stamp) on the reefs so looking to maximise my fun as I fish for bait 🤣
  12. They also have a nickname of Alka Seltzer’s in this part of the world due to their ease of dissolving...
  13. I’d be up for a club trip 🙂 Turbot and Brill on the fishing bucket list 🙂
  14. Odyssey

    Jig Heads

    How much do they work? How do you fish them? Ive used red gills on a flying collar in the past. Just never used jig heads so any tips welcomed 🙂
  15. Yep will do, hopefully it will be in 2021.... 😬😬😬😬😬
  16. I’d rather get a custom rod for that price 😮
  17. I’m too young for that 😋 I know my place..... butt of all the jokes.... just because Wales is Gods own country... (Genesis 1 v 21) Genesis 1:21, KJV: "And God created great wales and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good." No mention on England in there.....
  18. Tight lines 🙂 Far more enthusiasm than I’d have at 05:45 🤣
  19. That was “the other matter” we don’t talk about it.... 🙄
  20. NOTICE OF MY INTENTION TO LEAVE THE GROUP! It may or may not be disappointing to some people to know that I have decided to leave this page, I am sick and tired of the constant criticisms and remarks about things that have nothing to do with anyone else but me. I am disappointed in several members.... Okay... So I like dressing-up in rubber clothes. So what? And, my culinary tastes might seem strange to some people... but I have particular liking for cucumbers. Which brings me to the matter of my sexual preferences, which I know might seem strange to some people, but group sex with dwarfs, and pygmies is only a ‘small’ perversion compared to the other matter... And the magistrate was particularly understanding when I explained that running naked through our local park wearing crotchless fluffy underwear on my head and brandishing a dildo in each hand is an ancient pagan custom and... Oh shit ! Wrong group! Please ignore all of the above. Happy New Year 😁
  21. One word..... Wow! 😍 I salute you sir 😀
  22. It’s stories like this that keeps me going to get one on my line 😁😁🤗😍😍
  23. Well there was one time I strapped my rods to a roof rack and left my speed master reel in free spool. The entire thing emptied itself on the A48 in Cardiff. I only knew when I saw line flapping behind me and blue lights as a police car had found my genie clip. I then had to wind the entire 300 yards of line back on while suffering a lecture about safe loading of a car....
  24. My best was a bus.... Basically I was fishing a road bridge called the lougher bridge for flounder. I put my rod down and there was a bus waiting behind me in a queue of traffic. Bus driver opened the door to ask has I had much etc.... in this exchange I had somehow managed to get my rig stuck in the door. I didn’t know until he drove off and promptly emptied my reel....
  25. I’ve had a good 2020..... Admittedly I did end up spending New Year’s Eve 2019 having emergency surgery.... so no fishing for 2 months.... then COVID.... but apart from that had some great summer fishing 🙂 Here’s to more in 2021.... now where did I put my drink! Cheers all! 🍻
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