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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. It’s a lovely looking boat. Paul does awesome refurbs too. as for the engine, @headlighthas one, seems bulletproof to me. A lot of boat for the money there....
  2. It’s very patchy out there at the moment, if be on the Corel by clevedon banks or Penarth as nice bit of rough ground
  3. Spectra braid is cheap and does the job well....
  4. I’ve been thinking about it too..... If overnight on Celtic deeps no need to anchor as I’ll be fishing on the drift 🤣
  5. Just seen this on Facebook Warrior 165 for 8.5k or near offer
  6. Pop down your local marina or boat clubs, put the word out for what you’re after. look at suitable boats in marinas, find the details of owners and make an offer. This can work well if boat not used much.... 😉 For example on seansea Marina there are a lot of warrior 165s etc, offer of some hard cash may people think twice.... I nearly got an offshore 25 by doing this. But on sea trials the owner realised how nice the boat was abs didn’t sell. Now uses it a lot 🤣🤣🤣
  7. £1400 gets you a radar and MFD.... Tgst gets you out on the mid channel wrecks, use your normal sonar and find some cod 😁
  8. Not sure I agree.... Radar allows you to pick up nearly all vessels, also marker buoys abs land to aid navigation. However, modern Radar don’t “light” up Radar bouys. Biggest advantage of AIS is ease of use along with the call sign of the vessel. I have both, but to choose between one or other, I’d have Radar. MARPA is so easy to use it makes collision avoidance a doddle. I just leave it on all the time, overlay on chart and navigation is simple 🙂 Just my opinion mind... feel free to argue!
  9. If I didn’t already have a great set up I’d be after this.... @Andy135dont bother with that Lowrance upgrade, get some Radar for when you finally bring your boat to Wales for real fishing 😉
  10. https://www.raymarine.co.uk/about-us/offers/radar-savings.html?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=UK radar promo&utm_content=promo image&fbclid=IwAR3ov5SMrlShynEhV2e5ANSJX8wRVXgSfyxBa9V9ms7MmSYyUhPykSL6G8U Good price.....
  11. I’ve got a brand new VHF in the shed.... Icom DSC. just connect up to your GPS and you’re away. Never been used so MMSI is clear £100 posted 🙂 I think it’s the M323 so nice unit
  12. Use it to get yourself Radar.... Raymarine can you get radome and MFD for that price. You catch plenty of dogfish without needing more gadgets to find them 🤣
  13. A man is alone in an airport lounge. A beautiful woman walks in and sits down at the table next to him. He decides, because she's wearing a uniform, she's probably an off-duty stewardess. So he decides to have a go at picking her up by identifying the airline she flies for, thereby impressing her greatly. He leans across to her and says the British Airways motto : 'To Fly. To Serve'. The woman looks at him blankly. He sits back and thinks up another line. He leans forward again and delivers the Air France motto: 'Winning the hearts of the world'. Again she just stares at him with a slightly puzzled look on her face. Undeterred, he tries a third time, this time saying the Malaysian Airlines motto: 'Going beyond expectations'. The woman looks at him sternly and says: 'What the fuck do you want?' 'Ah ha!' he says, "Ryanair".
  14. If rather an engine with higher hours and a full service history. Chatting to a mechanic yesterday he agreed. He said the worst engine you can buy is a low hours “holiday boat” service may not be done year on year, never gets used or flushed.... He wasn’t very complimentary about Suzuki engines as the anodes were similar to an alkaseltzer, they fizz and disappear when hit water..... My engines are around 1100 hours. Having a full top to bottom service. Only issue is a potential gear box seal. But commercial boats change their seals at 1200hours so I should of expected that... He also mentioned about good quality oil... Don’t scrimp on it.... Only his feedback and observations from working on commercial and leisure engines
  15. Odyssey


  16. Latest from today.... Shes out for 2 weeks as I can’t get a slot to get back in 😮😮 Engiene service should finish tomorrow.... a few issues but will be nice to have the reassurance it’s all sorted ready for a busy year in 2021 🙂
  17. He’s back, just restarted a thread there
  18. Personally I don’t.... 😬😬😬😬 Ive had too many pull out (should of added more cable ties) Its on the job list for tomorrow and weekend.... move kit around boat, resplice anchor rode, Set anchor to trip.... however I like to overnight and I don’t want it to trip overnight. Tom Bettle is on WSF selling small anchors that are self tripping but only up to about 7.5kg so too small for my boat
  19. I used to keep one of these in my middle underfloor compartment on top of my fuel cans. https://www.force4.co.uk/item/Lalizas/Aluminium-Boarding-Ladder/TCW?utm_source=google&utm_medium=base&utm_campaign=base&stock=23149 fokds that so easy to store. Just put It mid ships at anchor to get in/out 🙂
  20. First drift 3 mackerel, want these all summer, can’t find them!!! Emma with a dogfish (why I don’t know, must follow Andy’s reports) me with smallest hound and some nice conditions
  21. Mackerel, hounds, dogs so far and a sea small pollack. Someone (Emma) drank too much so didn’t get up early enough for offshore reefing, but did some reefing just outside haven. No cod but it’s more a chill session in the sunshine. A mate is off sharking, will be keen to hear what he’s had 🙂
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