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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Jet drive not very reliable.... I think consumption is higher than with a leg or with a shaft
  2. Hi all, Therorectical question here.... Is it possible to convert a Jet Drive to shaft or leg? Im not planning it, just wondering if possible 🙂
  3. Hang on a minute.... what’s the criteria here? Be careful you don’t upset @Andy135 😉
  4. Oh no, 15 years is a long time to own the boat, I’ll have won the lottery or paid my mortgage off or robbed a bank to pay for a swift cat by then 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 On A serious note it’s a Twin Yam 300s. I spoke to a commercial guy in Milford. In his words.... ”I’m running twin 200HPs on my cheetah 9.1m. Engines are lasting well. I’ve done 7000 hours on the power heads, but I did have to change a gear box at 6000hours. The other is still working fine” If it lasts that many hours it’ll outlive me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  5. Used to get them on mid channel wrecks, pirk baited with mackerel and you’re away, baited feathers also work.... Get out a bit wider 😉
  6. I go for mixed myself, but I have a preference for toffee.... So who else thinks diesels are rubbish 🤔😉😂
  7. Nomad 45l cool box. These are very similar to IceyTek. Keeps stuff frozen for days on end.... Ive already got a Nomad 20l and 56l long iceytek so no need for for another.... £50
  8. Agree.... Now a nice set of outboards.... (gets popcorn ready for the petrol vs diesel scrap) 🤣
  9. Nice looking boat 🙂 Nice to see more welshies aboard 🙂
  10. It’s her birthday on weekend, (Turning 30) so she’s out with mates a few evenings this week... She’ll get a few reminders after weekend. No excuse then 🤣
  11. Welcome to the site 🙂 im also a member of CBYC, but my boat is sheltering from the COVID crisis down west this year so no cod for me!
  12. Good eating on a ling. same family as the cod etc
  13. The guy who owned was on WSF, did a bring bass fishing, I don’t think he used it that much was parked up next to me for a few weeks when I was in Swansea last year 🙂
  14. Any marks off west wales I’m happy to have the coordinates for 🙂
  15. Was that boat in Swansea? 🤔 nice set of yams there too 😍 Looks familiar 🙂
  16. You can get them pretty cheap these days.... makes sense to replace it
  17. Try 1/3 of the price from the local main Yamaha dealer.... 3 hours labour for service and 1.5 hours for the cambelt. That’s per engine. It’s quicker than I can do.... so I’ll save myself the hassle and hernia that I would end up with trying to drop the gear box off as it’s bloody heavy!
  18. When my engines are run it’s for long periods.... 2 hours each way. Usage drops in the winter but still get started up and run. This year is exceptional due to COVID but usually used at least twice per month, even if it’s a blast in sheltered water. Anodes are by inspection only. I’m getting them done in next service (gulp) for piece of mind. At 1000 hours I’m close-ish to mid life so it’s just good practice. Then I can know I can head offshore and get home safely 🙂 Just need weather to improve over Xmas so I can get out and about!
  19. Well I need to get them drawn in illustrator and Emma been too busy in work to get on with it... Ill give her a prod to remind her again 🤣
  20. Oil change every year.... impeller plugs and gear oil every 2 years or 200hours. Boat out in 2 weeks for full service so anodes, timing belts, oils, filters, fuel filters, plugs. Thats on outboards that don’t use pushed hard... Should be good for another 1000 hours... so about 10-15 years....
  21. Polished my hull 2 years ago still looks good. Wont need a full cut and polish, instead I’ll wax polish it and it’ll take a day with electric polisher..... Top sides get done every 12 months, hull every 2 years. it’s a fishing boat so maybe not quite as detailed a saiking boat.... but when at sea no one notices 😉
  22. I’ll give it a wire wool (or I’ll get Emma to do it as she’s 5 foot so easier to fit underneath) Boat used to be kept in freshwater so very little fouling. I’m sure will be worse I’m Milford but it still not bad 🙂
  23. 8 or 9 years I popped into the water in the summer to check for growth but had none. Ill prob get it redone next year. It ain’t cheap to do but lasts a long time
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