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Posts posted by Odyssey

  1. 16 hours ago, GPSguru said:


    If it's anything like the range here in Lyme Bay, then the range patrol boat will soon see you off if you are within 4 miles .......... 😇

    Yep same here..... 

    According to an old commercial boat St Govans tide race used to hold monster females. Only problem is castlemsrtin firing range sat on top of there! They don’t fire at weekends. So first calm weekend. Midweek will be Celtic deeps northern section 

  2. I’m sure there was an epic car chase, loads of gorgeous ladies, fast cars and boats in there too..... 😉 and you’re just talking it down 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    On a separate note... despite a reasonable number of double figure cod in the channel at the moment boat is staying in west wales. Hopefully I’ll be busy sorting out man cave for fishing den so won’t have as much time to go fishing.... but if weather is good it’s time to chase Winter porgies! 😁😁😁😁

    Only issue is that my chosen mark is only accessible on weekends else I run the risk of being shot at in a firing range 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  3. I did have to park a sail boat in Milford locks this summer....

    They were taking so long to get alongside the lockmasfer asked me to raft up and move them in.... My mate Rob on his cat did another one at same time. Was quite entertaining to see these 2 posh types having a side along tow next to a shark boat🤣🤣🤣 


  4. Best fail I saw was again in Cardiff....

    It was a busy lock and large cruiser was trying to lock in. The crew were a larger, older couple.... all going well but coming in way too fast. So he slams boat into reverse, whist standing in the door to the cabin so he now starts going backwards. 

    Somehow, he managed to inflate his life jacket, which then wedged him in the door unable to move.... he’s now barking instructions to his wife who was trying to push him through the door. 

    So he is now going backwards slowly towards lock gates that are starting to close..... he moves through the gap out into the outer harbour. Most of the boats are weak with laugher at this. 

    He is then on radio to lock control asking to come back in, they are very definite saying no and advising him not to reverse out of a lock he wanted to be in. He then wanted someone to help deflate his life jacket so that he can move about his boat again.... 

    Moral of the story.... be careful using your life jacket.... and learn how to control the speed of your boat 😉 

  5. Another one was taking a crew mate out.... “Tie this rope around the cleat to hold us fast in the lock”

    I was on other side of boat sorting out lines as another boat was going to raft up. I was told all was done.... but we were still moving....

    Deckhand didn’t realise you had to put the rope on the cleat of the pontoon in the lock, not just on the boat..... 🤔🤔🤔🤔

    Quick sprint accross the deck to tie the dockline to the cleat on pontoon and disaster averted.....

  6. Once I headed into the locks at Cardiff on one of the first trips on Odyssey. 

    It was a windy day abs she catches the wind a lot.... so I thought I’d use my bow thruster to make it easy and glide up to the pontoon to push the boat against the wind (I was about 5ft from the pontoon). 

    Only issue was some numpty who had been rewiring the boat had put the bow thruster switch in upside down so whereas I wanted to go towards starboard. I was now heading to port..... it was very graceful glide across the entire side of the lock.... 

    All worked out ok and I mmmm sure it looked like it was intended 🤣🤣🤣

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