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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Sorry Spence 😢 I fish for cod because they taste nice with Chips 🙂 I used to live the Midlands and was tempted with Pike and Carp.... so I harbour a dark secret too 😱😱
  2. Rays is a good shout, lovely colours, cheap bait and on right gear can be a bit of fun 🙂
  3. Not yet as not been to the boat. Biggest issue with lower cost LED lights is the sealing. They are perhaps not as robust.... but for the amor use you’ll get they’ll be fine. Electrical interference will not be from radiated emissions but more likely conducted down the 12V rail. It’s highly unlikely to cause an issue unless you got a set of £1.99 lights or something....
  4. TBH, the marinas in South Wales are local authority owned and set the bye laws for waterways etc. Swansea Marina and barrage owned by Swansea council. Cardiff bay barrage is controlled by harbour authority. Mikford Marina is owned by Milford haven port authority who also set the bye-laws for the haven. They are not as likely to push government advice unlike private marinas who need to make money
  5. AAAWeb will have proper stuff. They are used on work boats, similar price to force4. Ive got flood lights for my deck, in winter Injsed to fish exclusively at night from September to March as I’d know I’d get the good marks and not need to share the cod shoals. When doing this I’d only use a head torch. Be careful installing a light house on the back of you’re fishing close to port or inshore. You’ll blank out out navigation lights for other users
  6. 10m cougar with outboards island wheelhouse. Or 10m Swiftcat, quicker than a cougar. Cheetah nice boats, need at least a 11m with island wheelhouse to make it work. Then you got to park the thing.... However, an Evo 30 is a hell of a boat 😉
  7. Sharks, coz it’s a waiting game. When that ratchet goes is it a monster or a tiddker, gets that adrelelin going. After that, Mr Cod, you get that slack liner on your uotider, wind like hell and get that lovely nodding feeling on the end. Goes well with chips too 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. RYA is going to make a statement later on once they have reviewed the latest government guidelines. I would imagine a lot of marinas will take this into account
  9. Hopefully a run home.... need to refuel first.... the painful bit 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Be nice to have the boat closer to home. Even if weather is rubbish I can get a few inside jobs done over the winter 🙂
  10. Looks like a weather window on Tuesday.... Maybe getting boat home for those coddies yet 😬😬😬😬
  11. Wow.... that’s an old one 🤣
  12. Well off some rocks, called Sker point. We get huge amounts in South Wales
  13. I had 21 in a night once, best only 14.5lb so beaten me 🙂
  14. So much for stay at home then gents..... Id of thought that you can go fishing if you’re local but not travel long distances to get to the beach
  15. It’s old that’s why it was cheap. innever buy new unless I can help it as I’m a tightwad 🤣🤣
  16. That’d be great 🙂 Its currently wired to a standard car radio so will need to cut off connector and remake harness for it. I maybe able to link it to plotter as well.... need to check on that it’s not a NEMA2K so will be 0813 connection.... 🤔
  17. Nah.... It’ll be in Emma’s van instead. 2022 is the plan.... Winter 2021/22 project 🙂
  18. Welcome! I have only been to Co Kerry once as a kid. 2 weeks on Dingle peninsula. Awesome place, absolutely stunning! On the bucket list to return with a fishing rod 🙂 Look forward to hearing more from you 🙂
  19. Where are you going to be fishing from? in Bristol Channel I use 4/0 pennel on a 80lb snood as a running ledger for all my work. Lands everything apart from Tope....
  20. Cool 😎 Ill need to check the wiring etc as speakers are already fitted so hopefully I can work out what runs where.... Finally allowed to boat now whoop!
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