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Posts posted by Odyssey

  1. Small cod use worm baits with squid. 

    However, on a number of occasions I have caught more cod than other boats and most on the boat using a bit of bluey as well. This works especially well when the sprats are in the channel. The 4 doubles I caught last year were all on worm/Squid/bluey.


    for the big girls, nothing beats a live whiting. Fish it on a sleeper rod downtiding, especially over slack water


  2. Coloured leads are great if you’re pendulum casting as you can see the lead during the swing. 

    Whilst im sure it’s possible for it be done on my cabin roof I’m quite partial to my radar antennna and reflector.... and the usual lob works fine 🙂 


    as for attracting fish? I’d want them on my books not on my lead 😉 

  3. 1 hour ago, JDP said:

    Cheers for that, will check it out as soon as it stops raining!!! 12'c and rain for about 5 days so far. Summer:classic_cool:

    Cor! That’s a good summer! We’d be sat on the beach wanting an icecream on the beach in wales 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. 10 hours ago, Andy135 said:

    According to my daughter there are. Her fairy's name is Lily and she writes to her.

    FFS... Lily (aka Mrs135) writes back, in really tiny handwriting... 🙄🤦‍♂️

    It won’t be long until she is a high maintenance teenager too embarrassed to be seen with Dad (unless offering a lift) and chasing boys..... 

    Uncle Luke is losing cool status with my nieces and Newphews as they get older and turn into grumpy teenagers.... still around to tease them about boyfriends and girlfriends though 😁😆😁😆

  5. Mako, Thresher, Tuna and Skate 🙂 

    Ideally 4 shark species of shark on my boat (same with Tuna). Skate would be an issue....

    20lb cod also along with an eating sized turbot.

    Stone bass be nice but more of a by catch while sharking. 

    last of all, a nice door matt sole 🙂 

    So far I’ve had:

    Conger, Pollack, Coalfish, cod, blonde, spotted, small eye and thornie ray, Bass, Mackerel, huss, both types of hound, gurnard (3 types), black bream tope, dogfish, blue shark, porgie shark, whiting, haddock, spurdog, plaice, flounder and dab. 

    So varied bunch so far 🙂 

    I’d not say no to a large bass but I don’t chase then that much.

  6. 3 hours ago, iowspence said:

    The Isle of Wight is a throwback in time and although it’s changing with the times it is a sedate pace is life with relative low’ish crime and safe place to bring up kids, and has the added bonus from being surrounded by water and has great fishing for many species, so feel blessed to have been born here and could never even contemplate living anywhere else...

    Sounds good to me 🙂 

    Channel Islands and Scilly isles also on my uk bucket list 🙂 

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