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Everything posted by Gordmac

  1. Thanks for the replies, it is a95sv. I would normally fish in 10m to 40m give or take. For various reasons I don't want to get into I don't have the damaged sender so I don't know what was there originally. The plug I think it attaches to has 12 pins which I think would be side vu but it didn't have that. It may not be the original cable though. Is side vu worth having?
  2. I have a Garmin echomap sv and find myself in need of a new transducer. It seems a rather complicated area! Based on my vast inexperience and lack of knowledge I was thinking gt23-th. Anyone got some words of wisdom!
  3. My Garmin plotter does that, the boat direction comes from the fluxgate compass for the autopilot. Switch that off and the correct direction is displayed.
  4. What does the boat manufacturer recommend?
  5. There are two impellers, the one that pumps the seawater which draws from the sea through a stopcock via a strainer normally(is it clear?) then through various heat exchangers before exiting via the exhaust. In the 6 cylinder Fords this is gear driven from memory, is yours driven by a belt? The other impeller is driven by the belt in your picture and pumps coolant round the engine and heat exchanger and is a closed system, same as a car, this system is normally reliable. When was your seawater impeller last changed? Does the seawater flow out the exhaust look reasonable? Last time I had an overheat (6 cylinder Ford) it was a faulty oil cooler, traced with the aid of a non contact thermometer.
  6. Lower centre of gravity? Centre of boyancy? Hull shape?
  7. Has the gellcoat gone there or has someone added a layer of csm?
  8. Pickup disease! The separate chassis design is full of rust traps, the nature of the beast unfortunately.
  9. Results 1 and 4 are odd, if the pitch 1" difference is all there is you should have got more revs.
  10. Make it waterproof? Sell more expensive parts? If you can find a parts catalogue, if the lead is available separately it will have a part number.
  11. It is still faulty, I only switch the autopilot on when I need the rudder indicator.
  12. I found calibrating it to be ok for a bit, it just became worse and worse over a shortish period.
  13. Pull the fluxgate fuse and see if that makes a difference. I don't think my plotter has an option to ignore the fluxgate, unless I switch the autopilot off the plotter automatically uses the fluxgate for direction.
  14. What about those caravan mover devices that drive the trailer wheels?
  15. Interesting, I didn't know that. I suppose we are lucky on the West Coast, that sort of thing doesn't happen and there are few boats about to hit in poor visibility.
  16. Without a fluxgate or similar the plotters should take heading from GPS. How does the radar get its heading?
  17. Mine has an issue, it can be 180deg out. Doing the calibration, which is a pain trying to go so slowly, it will get fairly close but drift off over a period. The autopilot has a habit of applying full lock which is interesting at speed. Switching it off means the plotter takes direction from GPS and is accurate, I only really need it for the rudder indicator although the autopilot can be useful. Have you tried switching the thing off?
  18. I suppose if you get caught out in thick fog it might be handy, not really a problem in this part of the world. Surely nobody goes out if visibility is that bad, or is expected to get that bad?
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