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Everything posted by Gordmac

  1. Thought I might add a bit to this. Now ashore for the winter, I covered almost 500 nautical miles without actually going anywhere! Average consumption about 1.5L/m. Initially sat about 22kn but later about 27kn as the boat feels happier at that speed. Fantastic boat, if anyone is considering one go for it. Hard to imagine something better except maybe a bigger one! We went out fishing fairly often but not venturing far away, normally with my cousin but his sister started coming with us and I think she is now hooked! Caught a fair number of Mackerel, they make good fishcakes for the winter. Quite a few what we refer to as Lythe (Pollack) and some Codling. I also got what I think was a small Scorpion fish, never saw one before. Too busy not touching it whilst unhooking for a picture! We would normally get fewer Lythe but more small Cuddies (Coalfish) but never saw a cuddy this year for some reason. Aunt was disappointed, she loves them!
  2. If it is an alternator signal check the belt isn't slipping a bit.
  3. Interesting, there is a truck one in the shed somewhere might be useful if it would run on 12v.
  4. Pity, always worth trying the simple options though. Different arm length make any difference?
  5. Try bending the arm a bit to effectively increase the spring tension. Can you move it round on the spline a bit to change the area wiped?
  6. I used whatever teak oil the building supply shop sold. A fraction of the cost of what the boat maker specifies and seems fine.
  7. If you are buying secondhand don't forget to add tax to the price if you are importing from England or indeed the rest of the UK (except perhaps NI).
  8. Thanks. Not really the thing for a quick lunch stop! Can you use it for hot smoking? The best thing I would have liked to have bought would be an inflatable to stick on snap davits on the bathing platform. Unfortunately, like a lot of things nowadays, they seem to be made from unobtanium! Still the teak oil has improved the team rail tops.
  9. Can you stick a kettle on it for tea or coffee? Looks an interesting device.
  10. Last time I tried a syringe for measuring additive it dissolved the markings!
  11. Power is not equal to force times distance! That is work done, for power you need to divide that by time. As Duckworth said refering to engines, power is the size of the bang X the number of bangs per minute. Basically torque X rpm. When the torque falls off faster than the revs increase power reduces.
  12. The power required to push the boat, car or whatever is basically the force required X speed. When the power delivered by the engine exceeds this it will accelerate until they balance.
  13. I have seen catch tanks on competition cars with no breather holes and a tight fitting pipe, that won't work well. I wouldn't put a catch tank below the oil level in the sump, small chance of a Syphon.
  14. Thanks. Mine is the fishing version (Tarfish) of the Targa 27 so a bit smaller than that one, more basic inside and no flybridge. But a lot cheaper!
  15. First go at fishing from her a day or two ago with my cousin. Side decks and forward cockpit make it easier and more versatile. No Mackerel about yet but got three large frying pan sized Lythe (Pollack) and kept a couple of frying pan sized codling. Dinner for four and a bit left over!
  16. That is what I thought although I have come across an industry professional who described an inflatable with an aluminium floor as a rib. The op asked about a rib he could fold up, they are few and far between, hence my suggestion of a trailer. Presumably the op would really need a sib rather than a rib?
  17. A small trailer may be a better idea than trying to put it in the boot for that sort of length. Good luck with being able to lift it into a roof box! To be a rib does it need to have a rigid hull or are the ones with an inflatable keel classed as a rib?
  18. Great boat, steep learning curve! Arrived at Dunstaffanage Monday to a fairly miserable day, quite wet and windy. For reasons not unrelated to the low tide we were hanging about for about five hours before launch. Yard guy had to show me how to unlock the electronic control before I could lower the outdrive, like I said, steep learning curve! Staggered along towards the fuel berth, straight line, what is that? No idea which way outdrive is pointing and steering has about double the turns my old boat had. Boat on pontoon so tried parking elsewhere with no success, outdrive is quite different to twin shafts! Nearly made it on umpteenth attempt but had to move as the boat belonging to the berth arrived. Eventually put it in on the inside of the fuel berth as a large boat was being refuelled, something like 1500l I think, ouch! Eventually got fuel and headed home, a bit choppy due to the wind but boat coped fine (not sure about crew though!) low 20kn. Bit smoother turning North and got a lot calmer after a few miles, sat about 25kn easy enough and very quiet. By the time we got home wind was well down and it had stopped raining, just the weather we would have liked earlier!. Put on club pontoon easy enough and easier to get off than old boat would have been, not so hard with little wind! Picked up tender and put on mooring, relieved to find the mooring strop would actually fit! Spent the last few days reading the instructions! There is a rudder position indicator on the autopilot, that is very useful. Went over the boat, only thing I can find not working is the shower drain pump. Went through all the menus on the plotter sounder, even got the radar working, no idea what it shows, but it works! There is a frame at the forward cockpit and lots of canvas bits that sort of fit with it, only two bits I have no idea about! I need to refit the wheelhouse table and there are two smaller tables for the forward cockpit. Been messing about with outdrive trim and trim tabs. Bit windy Friday so spent a while pontoon bashing, slowly getting the hang of it! Most difficult thing for me is no steering unless in drive, rudders on last boat worked well in neutral so you could go slowly and steer. The Targa picks up speed quickly when put in gear. I am impressed how easily it will travel quickly in a bit of a chop and it is so quiet, quieter than a car. The side doors and wide walk around bits are good for getting out to the ropes quickly. Rear door is useful but not necessary. Bags of space outside. High bow and bow flare hinders visibility a bit particularly when going for the mooring buoy. Will go for another play today and maybe a bit of fishing Monday. Will stick up some pics later.
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