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Everything posted by Gordmac

  1. Is that an actual boat for sale or an advert for a new build? No information on their site!
  2. It is the sort of thing I am looking for and finding very few of that type in the UK. If you look at say Rodmans for sale the vast majority are in the EU and now come +20% if you want to import one!
  3. Very poor selection of that sort of boat over here, we are drowning in sports boats!
  4. Measure it? I think you can get a spirit level type app for a phone.
  5. Props can be a bit reluctant to come off. Get a decent puller and have a decent blowtorch on standby to heat the prop if it won't move. Brick cleaner dissolves barnacles, and hands.
  6. I doubt 12.2v would have started my old D6 Fords! As above check it when trying to start. Always worth a clean of +and- connections. Have you tried charging the battery?
  7. If there was much of a leak the system wouldn't really hold pressure. Lower pressure would mean a lower boiling temperature and your leak may be steam rather than water, should be traces of antifreeze where it leaks from though. Other thought is if a significant leak then would it not draw air in the leak rather than fluid in from the tank?
  8. Nice looking boat, thanks. Not sure I could afford to look after two outdrives and engines though! Maybe not typical but friends Botnia on twins has been quite high maintenance so far. What engines are in her?
  9. Thanks. Being old I spent a lot of my youth fiddling with points, plugs and carbs on cars! Modern electronic stuff needs none of that and is much more efficient. The downside being if something electronic goes wrong it is hard to diagnose and costly to fix. Doesn't happen often, at least with cars. I haven't investigated, can you buy software to interrogate the Volvo stuff like you can with cars? I assume there will be people repairing the electronics? I may need someone to do a mechanical survey in the deep South sometime, thanks. What is your boat, Odyssey?
  10. Not that one, I believe it has sold. I am looking at the one RBS marine, the importers, have. Poor galley but a good compromise between deck space and cabin space I think. Anyone know if the D4 225 engines have any particular issues?
  11. Carb or injection? If injection you need high pressure hose after the injection pump. I used to use calor gas hard piping on my competition cars, 8mm maybe 10mm from memory. Never quite had 300hp though! If you have space the bigger bore the better really. I would think the size will be dictated by the fitting size at the tank and engine ends though.
  12. That was very interesting Terry, thanks. That is better economy than I would have expected from a V8. The 810 is a bit smaller than the 800/870 I think. From looking at pictures the bed fills the forward cabin, is this so? I like to be able to sit on the side of the bed and put my socks on! I take it the space you are talking about for a berth is storage below a deck hatch? Is there any portholes letting in light?
  13. Thanks for the replies. The Starfisher looks very similar to the Rodman 800/870. Only one fixed bed but at least looks like you can sit on the edge of it and put your socks on! Would need a 940 to be sociable enough to take friends away for a day or two. Is the bed made up with the table big enough for adults? Does the Starfisher have a decent fuel tank size? Maverick, fuel consumption figures useful, thanks. Does she get blown about badly? With the Corsair it was sometimes difficult to get from the wheel to a rope to attach to a pontoon before the bow blew round too much. The Rodman is heavy with a bit more in the water so hopefully not so bad. That is where I think the side doors would be useful. I quite like the flybridge idea, on my friend's BT35 it is a pleasant place to be on a nice day. The Viking Martin 285 is something I have noticed before, very rare though. Runs vee drives? Hard to find out about them but does look interesting.
  14. Sold my Levi Corsair and now need a replacement. Initial thoughts were Botnia Targa 27 or Nordstar 28 but they are scarce and expensive! A bit wary of outdrives but they give good fuel economy. I quite like the look of Rodmans, anyone run one that can comment on how easy they are to single hand and how hard on fuel they are? Diesel is scarce about here and petrol non existent, a good range is therefore important. I use the boat on my own a lot so needs to be easy to use single handed. Wide side decks and cabin side doors seem a good idea for that. Any ideas on anything else I should consider?
  15. I live on the Scottish West coast. I enjoy messing about with boats and a spot of fishing. Having sold my Levi Corsair I have only been on the water in a wee inflatable this year. On the lookout for a replacement.
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