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thejollysinker last won the day on November 24 2023

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About thejollysinker

  • Birthday 01/07/1966

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  • Boat name: Valkyrie

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  1. Well done Mike, wise decision to head in….just as we were anchoring up on the Lulworth banks. We got the forecast wrong and suffered the consequences sitting under the storm with lightning all around, a total white out and the worst soaking I’ve ever had 🤣 still we bagged some keeper bream and a couple of good congers whilst we enjoyed the best of British summers/first day of autumn….an interesting trip to say the least 😬
  2. Thanks for the tip 👍 we were over the Lulworth banks when the thunderstorm came right over us. We got absolutely soaked to the skin and had to bale the water out 🤣
  3. Loads showing off Princess pier right now though quite small atm. Try off your boat on the reef east of the Ore Stone
  4. Hi Mike, I was out of Weymouth Sunday on my old boat with the new owner Paul. I caught a decent sized squid off Grove Point late evening on an SPJ. There’s a steep drop off there, right on the bottom.
  5. Nice one Luke, great to see 👌👌
  6. I had a cracking day out Luke and was obviously over the moon with that fish (sod the blue whiting 🤣). Got a lovely bruise on my leg/groin after struggling with the butt pad but worth the pain….feeling it a bit today 😅 great skippering and great advice helped to make it a very memorable experience, thanks again 👌😊
  7. I get the gist that’s how it would work. He’s a great guy, getting on a bit now and looking for a bit of help here and there and some advice on the fishing front as he’s not done very well in the past. really not sure I’d want the responsibility of looking after someone else’s boat though….
  8. I’ve had an offer from a boat owner there with a Quicksilver, bit bigger than mine, to go out with him to help him learn more about fishing and he says we could do a deal whereby I do cleaning and maintenance on his boat then I can use it for longer fishing trips on my own….. take some thinking about will that one 🤔
  9. I slashed the price, good reasons for doing so and it got the job done….. missing it already although I don’t think my missus is 🤣
  10. Indeed 👍 no boat lined up atm, gonna have a think about something for next year over the winter.
  11. Sold it! She went Saturday and will be used by the new owner from his mooring in West Bay harbour next year after his boat got trashed in that recent storm. Said he’d invite me up there to go out with him fishing….top bloke 👌🙂
  12. Those boys look happy 😊 made the most of it and a successful day out. Nice report, shame no dogs for you though 🤪🙂
  13. Bet it was nice to get your boat out again after such a long break? Good luck for the Cod season to come 🤞
  14. Great stuff you guys, looks like you had a good time. Nice to see the young ones catching and enjoying the experience 👌
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