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Yamaha F60A PTT (2001)


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22 hours ago, GPSguru said:

I saw that you were out on Sunday, but the sea looked a bit lumpy and the visibility was not that good for me going to the wrecks, so I gave it a miss.

The motor getting hot can only be caused by it drawing too much current, that is why Yam fitted the safety cut out. As the motor is still working, drawing too much current can only be caused by,

a) corrosion in the armature bearings, meaning the motor is under continuous load.

b) the motor still having power applied AFTER it has reached its limit stop.





It was quite uncomfortable out there and I had planned on visiting a wreck or two but changed tack and went over to the reef at Tucker Rock. I spent nearly 3.5 hrs drifting time and again for 1 decent Red Gurnard, 1 tiddler Bass, 7 good sized Macks and a few joeys.... hard work but the macks tasted delish as always. Came back and drifted the banks by the entrance to the harbour for one tiddler Bass to turn away at the last second and bugger all else for 1.5hrs....

I think we can discount a) and tentatively go with suggestion b).... difficult to feel the housing when the motor is trimmed down so it could just be that it has continuous power there caused by the limit switch not functioning correctly?

Like I said, need to go investigate with some 'equipment' 🙂

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22 hours ago, Odyssey said:

I’d be checking all your connections for corrosion.

Also check your cables, if it’s getting hot you may have a higher resistance in the cables/connectors and this is causing the heat. 

As resistance increases with temperature you may find a point where the voltage drop is too high for it work. 

Speculation only so I’m prob wrong 

I gave it a good look over etc when it was out of the water so no corrosion on connections.

Didn't think to check the cables, but will now thank you.

Speculation raises awareness of other issues that haven't been thought about so even if you're wrong, it's still helpful 🙂

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13 hours ago, suzook12 said:

Sounds to me like there is continual power there

me too but I don't know why.... yet!

I'll have a look next weekend now as we have 'family obligations' this weekend.... honestly, don't these people realise what it takes to keep the damn thing working so they can enjoy it too 🤣

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7 minutes ago, thejollysinker said:

I had planned on visiting a wreck or two but changed tack and went over to the reef at Tucker Rock. I spent nearly 3.5 hrs drifting time and again for 1 decent Red Gurnard, 1 tiddler Bass, 7 good sized Macks and a few joeys.... hard work but the macks tasted delish as always. Came back and drifted the banks by the entrance to the harbour for one tiddler Bass to turn away at the last second and bugger all else for 1.5hrs....

Sounds like a reasonable session nonetheless. Go on, throw up a catch report, with pics if poss 😉

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23 hours ago, Andy135 said:

Sounds like a reasonable session nonetheless. Go on, throw up a catch report, with pics if poss 😉

I will if you explain how to get some decent sized pics up without the faff I'm currently experiencing.... be kind, I'm no techie 🤣

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4 minutes ago, thejollysinker said:

I will if you explain how to get some decent sized pics up without the faff I'm currently experiencing.... be kind, I'm no techie 🤣

Here's a page on posting pics.

If you're posting from a mobile then @Saintly Fish has a technique where you edit a photo in your phone's Gallery, then crop it by a small amount and re-save using a lower resolution, which should bring the file size under the 2mb limit for posting. Shout if this still doesn't work and we'll figure something out for you.

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Just had a re-read of this....

I would be tempted to check the solenoids for voltage leak on the HT side.

As I understand it, the sols should be armed by the trim switches with the power passing through the respective limit switches?

So, with no switches operated it should be zero volts on the control side of the solenoid(s). On the HT side you should have full battery voltage on battery side and zero on motor side. It is possible a solenoid has had water ingress and corroded inside preventing the full movement and not returning to NO correctly. That could cause the motor to get hot

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1 hour ago, Andy135 said:

Here's a page on posting pics.

If you're posting from a mobile then @Saintly Fish has a technique where you edit a photo in your phone's Gallery, then crop it by a small amount and re-save using a lower resolution, which should bring the file size under the 2mb limit for posting. Shout if this still doesn't work and we'll figure something out for you.

I'll have a look at that Andy, cheers 👍


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32 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

Just had a re-read of this....

I would be tempted to check the solenoids for voltage leak on the HT side.

As I understand it, the sols should be armed by the trim switches with the power passing through the respective limit switches?

So, with no switches operated it should be zero volts on the control side of the solenoid(s). On the HT side you should have full battery voltage on battery side and zero on motor side. It is possible a solenoid has had water ingress and corroded inside preventing the full movement and not returning to NO correctly. That could cause the motor to get hot

thanks for this, good information and something else to check.

I need to plan a beaching down at the mooring so I can get some good time either side of low water coz it'll probably take me ages to suss it out 😅

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Well, saturday pre-dawn saw me at the mooring rowing out in the dark to fetch her in. 

All ready to start engine etc and pressed the switch at the control end to lower the leg and it was working? Had forgotten it was unplugged under the cowl so whipped it off and plugged it back in and everything seemed to be back to normal.... In for a penny, I thought I'd carry out my plan to beach it anyway so cast off and motored over to the dinghy trots (first time for me in the dark), jumped out and pulled her onto the sandbank then had to wait until she came to rest properly and the water to go completely.

Got all my kit out and proceeded to do some electrical checks and all seemed normal apart from the limit switch which appeared to have failed, but I'm no expert...

I think @suzook12 was probably right about the solenoid/relay issue...(it was showing +volts one way and -volts the other so I assume that's correct). There were signs of corrosion on the heads of the screws that hold it together so could possibly be damaged inside? Without wanting to take it off there and risk it not working again I thought I'd look for a new one (to buy) first before pulling it apart to confirm the problem. Seems they are around for less then £50 so no great shakes.

Anyway, it turned out to be a long boring day, wired a new worklight in and fitted my cup holder and then went fishing down by the bridge for a couple of hours and caught nowt! At least the weather was nice 🙂

Offshore outlaws pics.png

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21 hours ago, thejollysinker said:

Well, saturday pre-dawn saw me at the mooring rowing out in the dark to fetch her in. 

All ready to start engine etc and pressed the switch at the control end to lower the leg and it was working? Had forgotten it was unplugged under the cowl so whipped it off and plugged it back in and everything seemed to be back to normal.... In for a penny, I thought I'd carry out my plan to beach it anyway so cast off and motored over to the dinghy trots (first time for me in the dark), jumped out and pulled her onto the sandbank then had to wait until she came to rest properly and the water to go completely.

Got all my kit out and proceeded to do some electrical checks and all seemed normal apart from the limit switch which appeared to have failed, but I'm no expert...

I think @suzook12 was probably right about the solenoid/relay issue...(it was showing +volts one way and -volts the other so I assume that's correct). There were signs of corrosion on the heads of the screws that hold it together so could possibly be damaged inside? Without wanting to take it off there and risk it not working again I thought I'd look for a new one (to buy) first before pulling it apart to confirm the problem. Seems they are around for less then £50 so no great shakes.

Anyway, it turned out to be a long boring day, wired a new worklight in and fitted my cup holder and then went fishing down by the bridge for a couple of hours and caught nowt! At least the weather was nice 🙂

Offshore outlaws pics.png

Fingers crossed a replacement solenoid fixes the issue.

Looks like a nice spot to keep a boat. 👍

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