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Used boat prices

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So when do we think the market will turn down for used boat prices then? Seems to be running super hot still. Must admit I'm tempted to advertise Jersey Girl speculatively and see if someone will make me an offer I can't refuse...

But timing would be key. Don't want to sell high only to have to buy high again. Guessing the end of furlough, and maybe QE, plus an interest rate hike might just cool the buying frenzy. Thoughts?

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1 hour ago, Andy135 said:

So when do we think the market will turn down for used boat prices then? Seems to be running super hot still. Must admit I'm tempted to advertise Jersey Girl speculatively and see if someone will make me an offer I can't refuse...

But timing would be key. Don't want to sell high only to have to buy high again. Guessing the end of furlough, and maybe QE, plus an interest rate hike might just cool the buying frenzy. Thoughts?

4 times this season, I have been offered good money for Bluefin, pretty much what I paid for it new !

But it just means I would have the hassle of buying another boat which would definitely be bigger (always the way), and new, however the waiting list at Ribcraft is now 2 years, and I am very happy with the boat as is.

Edited by GPSguru
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4 minutes ago, GPSguru said:

4 times this season, I have been offered good money for Bluefin, pretty much what I paid for it new !

But it just means I would have the hassle of buying another boat which would definitely be, bigger (always the way), and new, however the waiting list at Ribcraft is now 2 years, and I am very happy with the boat as is.

That's exactly what's stopping me from pulling the trigger too. Would want bigger and would want a bargain, or at least to not pay through the nose. As I don't want to sell then wait for the market to fall (and it may not ever actually fall, just stagnate at or near the peak for a few years) it feels like we're stuck in the value trap for now.

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Summer is always the best time to sell, and winter the best to buy. There are boats on the market now that have “reduced by X%” on them already. 

It won’t be a couple of years until pre Covid prices, if they ever go back to them. I sold my MF755 for £35k around 6 years ago. The same boat now is £50k. Before Covid, £42k ish. 
So prices have risen naturally over the last 5-6 years anyway. Lock down and staycations have just given them an extra little boost. 
Are you holding off selling your house too then ? Because the housing market is just the same, as is used cars and camper vans etc!! 

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1 minute ago, Saintly Fish said:

Are you holding off selling your house too then ?

Funny you should say that. I keep trying to persuade Mrs135 that we should re-market it to benefit from the rise in the market compared with when we accepted our current offer (Feb). That said, we benefit from a comparatively lower price on the place that we want to buy so it's all swings and roundabouts in the property market. The difference being that we don't need a boat to live in, but we kinda need a house.

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Your boat is something for some (most?) of us to dream for, so unless you want to sell it to one of us for a few grand,do the sensible thing and stick with it. To sell it would be MADNESS! Geoff.☺️

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Is your boat perfect? If not sell now and wait for a perfect boat. 

A few offshore 25s are coming up soon. On a leg but best 25ft boat ever made….

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No matter what your budget in the size range of boats we can afford I don't think there is such a thing as a boat as perfect boat (ask fishy) it's whether the boat is near enough perfect for the money that can be afforded.  One thing to bear in mind is that owning a boat is not all about the purchase price its justifying the ongoing costs once bought which is where I find myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

Strange.... Do you have a facebook issue? The vid Jon posted came up for me ok, as does that link.....

Yes I have an issue with Facebook, so maybe as I don't have an account they won't let non-members see?

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28 minutes ago, JonC said:

Does Facebook know about you and your little issue? 
Speak to them, they seem like decent people they might help you out 

Yeah, that Zuckerberg bloke begged me to sign up but I told him to do one so that's why they blocked me I guess.

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