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February charter trip.

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@suzook12 and @mick, the date has been set for Thursday 24th February. 
It may be either anchoring for Spur dog, rays and conger, or wrecking. 
Put it in your diaries. 
Anybody else who would like to join, there will be 5 places available (at the moment). 

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  • 1 month later...

Ok so, due to an administrative error (who knew that different parts of the country have different half term holiday weeks?), @suzook12and his son are now unable to make the trip. 
So it's now just @mick, myself and Leo who are going. 
There is space available should anybody wish to take Steves places. 

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16 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

Ok so, due to an administrative error (who knew that different parts of the country have different half term holiday weeks?), @suzook12and his son are now unable to make the trip. 
So it's now just @mick, myself and Leo who are going. 
There is space available should anybody wish to take Steves places. 

Sorry to fuck you about but my mate who I share house with has to have surgery on 25th,so have to self isolate over tue,wed and thursday.

covid regulations.

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  • 2 weeks later...
48 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

For all those coming (me and Leo) this trip has been cancelled due to expected high winds tomorrow!

TBH that's a result! 🤣

Do you and the skipper have an alternative date in mind?

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2 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

No, me neither. Just goes to show what a bunch of non committal fishermen can do to a guy!! 

If you read my post at the start I said I would be interested , That`s not a commitment.

Would have gone if I didn`t have to self-isolate.

don`t get down hearted your efforts are appreciated.

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7 minutes ago, mick said:

If you read my post at the start I said I would be interested , That`s not a commitment.

Would have gone if I didn`t have to self-isolate.

don`t get down hearted your efforts are appreciated.

Yes that's true in your first post. If it had stayed at that then that would be fair enough and your commitment would not have been counted. 
However, this is commitment as far as I am concerned.......

Suzook12 + 1

    Saintly fish + 1

You added your name, not me. 
But being the lovely mild mannered chap I am, self isolating for a friends health is actually the only excuse I will 100% accept. So you're off the hook. 
The others..........? Meh

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