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Blue Anchor Bay


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Friday is only mid size tide so i would of thought would be ok. Don't fish there myself to often but the charters do sometimes, i think mainly on the bigger tides as there will be less tide in the bay. Kayakers were picking up some good cod a from there a few years ago but haven't heard of much lately from them. 

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I’ve fished there on springs and been fine. 

If you head down further west to Selworthy sands you can get a hell of a tide run so not suitbable for springs but in blue anchor it’s mainly coral and some lovely big cod come out of there…

Worth sticking a rod out with small hooks as you can get whiting around there and make great livebaits. 

If you fish with larger fish baits use heavy mono (200lb+ or wire) as should be spurs about there too 

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5 hours ago, JonC said:

What are you on about- small hooks for whiting? 6-8/0 minimum for angry whiting with wire straight through, I’m an expert at whiting. And set the clutch properly. 

6/0 is small to me 🤣

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