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Quiet few weeks


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More of a shared post due to been busy commercially fishing followed by a stuffed back. 

My last trip in my own boat for a fish was after seeing big numbers of snapper while commercially catching abalone (shellfish). I took my daughter along on the 60km each way run to find the snapper truly on fire. I got off to a good start but after a deep cut from the gills of a snapper things went down hill, to the point even getting seasick!!!!  My daughter continued catching snapper after snapper on plastics, resulting in over 40 fish caught and released to around 15 by me. 




The plan was to shoot a few fish to take home. A few days before I'd had to get my divers from the water at this spot due to a large great white showing interest in the seals and snapper at this spot, so I wasn't keen on her diving alone. Still vomiting we hopped in and soon had the first fish, a perfect kill shot. Still vomiting at the surface and gagging while holding my breath at around 10-12m I must admit I wasn't feeling the best. It was still amazing to see these fish in such numbers that rarely interact with humans given the location we found them. 



The day after we popped her on a plane, where she headed off to NZ on a hunting holiday due to the charter boat she skippers being quiet this time of the year. Target species was Tahr, a species she hasn't shot before, so she was even more excited than her normal hyper manic self!!!!!  This hunting was pretty remote extreme stuff, first getting dropped by helicopter high into a remote mountain area for 7 days. Target species found and knocked off the list and several nights of fresh meat.





So with the New Zealand trip done and dusted she headed home for two days before deciding to head north and try some new toys from Daiwa (her sponsor). First target was freshwater murray cod. After a tough day and hundreds of casts she managed this thumper cod, not bad for a freshwater fish. There were a few smaller ones around the 55cm size.


Next day was back to one of her favourite river species, barramundi. Barra can be quite common in some areas especially the smaller fish. Last year she caught and released over 100 on one tide with a fishing buddy but the holy grail of these is a fish over 1m. Last year she managed a 1.30cm and sure enough after hundreds of casts she's managed another cracking 120cm specimen. Not bad for first fish on the new barra rod and reel.


So with a new trailer and my back on the mend, I hope to be posting a few of my own catch reports soon. I was meant to be heading offshore tonight targeting broadbill and tuna but my fishing buddy stuffed his shoulder. All part of the getting old syndrome.

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11 hours ago, mike farrants said:

huge fish! that barra has scales the size of coasters!

That's funny, she keeps a large scale under her phone cover from the 20cm bigger one she caught last year. They tend to get deep in the body rather than longer when they get over a metre. I'd love to get one that size, or even just crack the 1m size would be awesome.

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