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Mackerel and other thoughts


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I was a bit bored so decided on a couple of hours at the mackerel, and preferably herring, from south shields pier. Mid tide upwards is both easier to fish and more productive. I started 3/4 of the way along it even though it is supposed to be off limits due to work on the wrecked lighthouse etc so I wouldn't be in their way or in any danger. 

2-3 hours into the flood and the tide is hitting the pier and dog legging towards the river proper and you can see the tide lane which is where I aim for. Normally people don't fish here much as they get snagged too often, however I have done my research and have a mental map of the seabed from fishing from my kayak and there is a sharp rise up about 50m out. 80+ m cast into the main run and then slow retrieve for 30m and then reel fast to miss the snags. 3 mackerel in 30 minutes and just one snag and I go back down to get a place further down the pier on the other side of the gate. 

I know that the last 2 hours of a tide this big (5m) should get an eddy forming that runs up the pier and should bring the fish around here and close in. Half an hour and I get my first fish, unfortunately it shakes off on the way in, next cast the same and a couple of casts later I land another. Few more hits and misses and then it goes quiet an hour before high water and I'm off home. 

I am lucky enough to be 7 miles from the coast so I can get there more whether or not I am fishing, I've read about shields pier and its best spots and listened in on conversations on the pier and in tackle shops etc and can now put together all the information and hopefully get the best out of it. 

So what? Big smug grin and a pat on the back! I watched some of the other people on the pier, a group of lads in their late teens, 2 lads not quite in their teens and a holidaying family all having a go, none catch anything but the bottom and other lines. No one really speaking to anyone, however the two young lads had a problem with one of their reels and very politely asked for help, it was just a loose loop, so we get talking and one hooks a mackerel but in trying to get it up the wall it drops off. So we talked about fishing and I explained about how I was fishing the pier and why, and they listened and asked questions which I tried to answer. 

It gets me thinking that we need to help out more with those who are willing to ask or need help, I've seen guys get stroppy because they were told that they needed more line on their FS reel as you could just hear the friction of the 50(possibly stronger) lb mono from a half filled spool, or multiple crack offs because they don't have a leader (divvent tell me what to dee, I've been fishing here...) . Sad that some people are so self absorbed and can't be told and some are sponges and would mop up the smallest bit of information and act on it, perhaps angling clubs should be a bit more proactive as well as anglers in general 🤔 

Sorry for a rambling thread on makky bashing, just finishing my 2nd cuppa tea 😆

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