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Squid games

mike farrants

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So i've seen quite a few reports of the squid being in early across the south coast - and despite failing form the boat on Tuesday, Thursday evening looked good for a spot of squidding form the shore. 

I got back from the office around 6.30 and was on the pier by 7pm - i was the only squidder amongst lost of other fisher men mostly targeting mackerel and it was very quiet for the 1st hour. 

I was using one jig under a float drifting in the breeze and a variety of casting jigs, switching colours every 20 mins or so. i use a variety of £15 yamashitas, mid range DTD, and cheap Chinese 50p jigs - all work equally on their day.

as the sun set the pier started to empty so i moved to the end where the rock changes to sand and seagrass and the water gets a bit deeper - I spotted a couple of ink stains on the pier next to me ..... i was more hopeful now 

wasn't long before the float started moving against the wind - a tell tale sign - as Squid don't pull the float down - and bang - first squid of the season landed. on a mid range DTD Jig.


i cast straight back out and let the float drift - on retrieving, i saw a quid on the surface following the lure so i stopped my retrieve and watched the squid attack the lure on the drop - bang off the float went back out.... bang 2nd squid in. 


despite trying again that was it -  2 squid within 5 mins during the 2hrs i was there and both were just as the sun dipped. 

A young lad next to me just lost a mackerel and a lure, then had a squid chase his 2nd lure, so I donated a squid jig to him to have a go - i have no idea if he got one or not as i left him with it. fingers crossed he got one!

Home at 9.30pm and pan on for fresh squid rings! the other one in the bait freezer!



a lovely evening!



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On 9/4/2024 at 3:39 AM, thejollysinker said:

Hi Mike, I was out of Weymouth Sunday on my old boat with the new owner Paul. I caught a decent sized squid off Grove Point late evening on an SPJ. There’s a steep drop off there, right on the bottom.

yeah i know the drop off - but you don't need to go that far - they can be caught right off the harbour entrances! we fish inside Portlands north entrance and get some decent size and volume!

i was out sunday too and we had squid and cuttle inside. then the thunder came lol

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3 hours ago, mike farrants said:

yeah i know the drop off - but you don't need to go that far - they can be caught right off the harbour entrances! we fish inside Portlands north entrance and get some decent size and volume!

i was out sunday too and we had squid and cuttle inside. then the thunder came lol

Thanks for the tip 👍

we were over the Lulworth banks when the thunderstorm came right over us. We got absolutely soaked to the skin and had to bale the water out 🤣

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