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Recreational angling NOW permitted under Lockdown 3


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45 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Due to the nature of our villages, towns and cities the word "local" may mean 5 miles to some and perhaps 50 to others, so it is very difficult to define and for the police and other authorities to police. The two  Derbyshire women were treated in a heavy handed way and would have benefitted more from discussion and advice. The people that went on a "seal sightseeing" trip were just taking the mickey IMHO. There obviously does need to be some better way of defining what is and what is not permitted, but the whole exercise is intended to limit the spread of this horrible virus and we should all be looking to abide by the spirit of containment and not look for loopholes to enable us to do whatever we wish. I have not left the house since mid December, and my wife (there are just the two of us) has been to the local supermarket on two occasions during the same time. Until this virus is under control all of us need to play our part in this, and not just try to convince ourselves that what we do does not matter - it does. Geoff.

If the law was the same as the "advice, it would be clear enough. We are advised not to leave village/town/city area in which we live except for work blah blah blah, had that been included in the law, then we would all know where we stand..... Like I said, I can fish within my village, or walk along the river, whereas I would consider hitting the beach at Kelling area a piss take as its the other side of the county. What they have now done, is more or less said its ok to travel 40 miles or so to go fishing....... I was initially pleased that the 2 women had been hit with a fine, as that would deter the idiots, now they've been given free licence again.

That being said, means we can now ( I include myself in this) "escort" my mate to his funeral as he would have wished. Now being on a bike, with helmet etc on, doesn't involve much risk of spreading the virus, it is after all , an escort, not a social gathering.......

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10 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

What they have now done, is more or less said its ok to travel 40 miles or so to go fishing....... I was initially pleased that the 2 women had been hit with a fine, as that would deter the idiots, now they've been given free licence again.

I agree Steve. That was exactly my thinking after I saw this article this morning...


Despite the fact that the article states that fishing should be "local", there will always be those who don't read past the headline and then assume they have carte blanche to fish wherever they choose...

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18 hours ago, Odyssey said:

Maybe should have a contact details section so we can post bail for @Andy135 for when is arrested on his way to his boat for a dogfish catching session.

I understand that the call of the dogfish is quite strong for him 😉

you could say he was dog ed about it he he

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1 hour ago, Andy135 said:

Another day, another change of direction? This morning's headlines include one about government and police now cracking down on enforcement of rules, rather than engagement with the public. 


Indeed, however I can reassure you that the crackdown will be aimed at gatherings, business non compliance, and social distancing, as some of those in London and the SE are still choosing to ignore the very necessary rules. 🙄

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I see supermarkets are now limiting certain goods again, which means that for some, I now have to go to the supermarket more frequently, increasing my chances of coming into contact with, and then spreading covid...... Fuckin awesome!! I hate shopping at the best of times, yet alone when the shops are full of disease ridden arseholes who think it's ok to push past you etc etc....... Can I sue tescos for contracting covid?

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25 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

I see supermarkets are now limiting certain goods again, which means that for some, I now have to go to the supermarket more frequently, increasing my chances of coming into contact with, and then spreading covid...... Fuckin awesome!! I hate shopping at the best of times, yet alone when the shops are full of disease ridden arseholes who think it's ok to push past you etc etc....... Can I sue tescos for contracting covid?

go on line and get a delivery mate i do

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3 hours ago, Maverick said:

It is kind of shocking however, not that the police get it wrong as I believe in actual fact they didn't get it wrong as it was an interpretation of a poorly worded instruction.  It is the politicians or law makers that have yet again been woolly and left it to others to decipher what they actually mean.  It is actually very unfair of law makers not to be decisive with their wording then instruct others to enforce and subsequently take the flack for a wording cock up.

I'm not saying the police are right or wrong and neither saying that the ladies who have been fined are right or wrong as the blame should lay 100% with those further up the ladder who are always very good a dropping shit on those below them.

Well yes, but I would expect the chief Police officer and his advisory team to take advice on what was passed into law and apply it accordingly. Pretty poor show of Police leadership IMHO.

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19 minutes ago, captin slows old outlaw said:

go on line and get a delivery mate i do

We do, but when they have no bog roll, you have to go hunting for it, or when they limit you on things like milk, it usually means I have to physically go shop for it.....

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52 minutes ago, JonC said:

You don’t have to look too far back to see the PM making press statements where he didn’t know the rules so very harsh to criticise any police force for struggling to get their heads around it. 

There is a huge difference between not knowing the rules and enforcing what is published and clearly written into statute law. 
99% of law is quite clear as often precedents have been set in courts to clear up to odd anomalies. It is often the case that law advisors apply the basis of precedents to new laws in order to understand their implications.

For me, this is a black and white issue, with the overriding question of ‘Has a law been breached ? If yes, then the breached law including the ‘act’ and ‘paragraph’ should be quoted and the appropriate penalty issued. FFS it is not rocket science.





Edited by GPSguru
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1 minute ago, GPSguru said:

There is a huge difference between not knowing the rules and enforcing what is published and clearly written into statute law. 
99% of law is quite clear as often precedents have been set in courts the clear up to odd anomolies. It is often the case that law advisors apply the the basis of precedents to new laws in order to understand there implications.

for me this is a black and white issue, with the overriding question of ‘Has a law been breached ? If yes, then the breached law including the ‘act’ and ‘paragraph’ should be quoted and the appropriate penalty issued. FFS it is not rocket science.





i agrea but there are quite a few only see what they whant to see, and that word but gets over yoused, if the punshment was harsh then i think there would be more clarty

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It's seldom that police actually know the laws. I have challengened the police a few times on use and construction laws, and found to be right. I also had an officer trying to nick me for a loud exhaust, when I asked where his decibel meter was, he soon became a shrinking violet. The truth is, there are so many laws in force, that you can't expect every officer to know every law, letter and verse...... That was what the CPS were supposed to sort out...... Trouble is, no-one seems to care if its not criminal and even the courts will just go with the police. It's down to the individual to prove innocence these days, and has been for some time....

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