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On 1/29/2021 at 3:25 PM, Andy135 said:

EU putting export bans on vaccines made within the EU.


Not sure how I feel about this, other than they're having a hissy fit that they were slow to contract for purchasing, slow to approve the AZ vaccine, slow to roll out their vaccination planning, and now they're restricting supply to make up for their prior failures. I was on the fence regarding Brexit but the EU's behaviour might just tip me into the "good riddance" camp...







[puts on tin hat and expects a visit from the politics police in due course]

They do like to show what some of us already knew now and then.....

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The EU have backed down having made this particular wrong decision. They will however do everything possible to make our "seamless" trading with NI and the rest of the EU very disruptive. I have not heard of any serious problems affecting EU goods coming here. Anyway, that's enough from me or I shall have the PC brigade knocking on my door. 

  • Yesterday was jab day for me (Boston), and Joyce was booked in today for her jab at Flitwick (south of Bedford - about 70 miles away). J came with me to Boston and I asked if it would be possible for her to get jabbed at Boston and to cancel the other. They said no problem, cancelled her Flitwick jabs, re booked her for Boston and for her second jab to coincide with mine also. So now we have both been stabbed and look forward (12 weeks) the the follow up. I must say the whole experience was very good, friendly staff and very well managed. We did not know if there would be lots of waiting about so we took sandwiches, fruit and a flask of coffee. This was not needed so we found a large empty offroad layby on the way home and ate our takeway lunch - I dare not call it a picnic!!! Geoff. 
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7 minutes ago, Geoff said:

The EU have backed down having made this particular wrong decision. They will however do everything possible to make our "seamless" trading with NI and the rest of the EU very disruptive. I have not heard of any serious problems affecting EU goods coming here. Anyway, that's enough from me or I shall have the PC brigade knocking on my door. 

  • Yesterday was jab day for me (Boston), and Joyce was booked in today for her jab at Flitwick (south of Bedford - about 70 miles away). J came with me to Boston and I asked if it would be possible for her to get jabbed at Boston and to cancel the other. They said no problem, cancelled her Flitwick jabs, re booked her for Boston and for her second jab to coincide with mine also. So now we have both been stabbed and look forward (12 weeks) the the follow up. I must say the whole experience was very good, friendly staff and very well managed. We did not know if there would be lots of waiting about so we took sandwiches, fruit and a flask of coffee. This was not needed so we found a large empty offroad layby on the way home and ate our takeway lunch - I dare not call it a picnic!!! Geoff. 

Glad you're both on the road to immunity Geoff. Light at the end of the tunnel 👍

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well it shows that that the agument about the running of the eu by the manderings is true. they aperently did all this without telling the member states what they wer going to do and now they have got egg on there faceis.

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11 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

Did you not get yours done at the same time Steve, your of that age aren’t you? 
How’s my power handle coming along. 

I bet you have just slowed it down by a couple more months Neil. Geoff.:classic_wink:

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1 hour ago, Saintly Fish said:

Did you not get yours done at the same time Steve, your of that age aren’t you? 
How’s my power handle coming along. 

Haha..... No!!

I am next group on the list for health reasons so soon hopefully

Handle? It's fine thanks..... Nearly used it to make a bracket for my bike the other day!!!

Plan was to get a few laser jet cut, but there is currently a massive shortage of materials certainly europe wide (yes, you can ask the EU about that one.... ) and prices have gone through the roof..... What size holes do you want for the handle and counter weight?

Edited by suzook12
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9 hours ago, Geoff said:

The EU have backed down having made this particular wrong decision. They will however do everything possible to make our "seamless" trading with NI and the rest of the EU very disruptive. I have not heard of any serious problems affecting EU goods coming here. Anyway, that's enough from me or I shall have the PC brigade knocking on my door. 

  • Yesterday was jab day for me (Boston), and Joyce was booked in today for her jab at Flitwick (south of Bedford - about 70 miles away). J came with me to Boston and I asked if it would be possible for her to get jabbed at Boston and to cancel the other. They said no problem, cancelled her Flitwick jabs, re booked her for Boston and for her second jab to coincide with mine also. So now we have both been stabbed and look forward (12 weeks) the the follow up. I must say the whole experience was very good, friendly staff and very well managed. We did not know if there would be lots of waiting about so we took sandwiches, fruit and a flask of coffee. This was not needed so we found a large empty offroad layby on the way home and ate our takeway lunch - I dare not call it a picnic!!! Geoff. 

I am the same as Steve, but also on standby as a 'call-in' for 'no show' unused phizer jabs ...............

TBH, I am quite impressed with how the government have handled this element of Covid ........... especially with Boris calling Ursula Von Upsy Daisy to inform her that if the EU blocked contracted supplies of Phizer to the UK, the blame for any resultant deaths would be their responsibility ............... I now see that the EU have completely backed down and all the UK contracted vaccines will be able to leave the Belgium factory 👍

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2 minutes ago, GPSguru said:

I am the same as Steve, but also on standby as a 'call-in' for 'no show' unused phizer jabs ...............

TBH, I am quite impressed with how the government have handled this element of Covid ........... especially with Boris calling Ursula Von Upsy Daisy to inform her that if the EU blocked contracted supplies of Phizer to the UK, the blame for any resultant deaths would be their responsibility ............... I now see that the EU have completely backed down and all the UK contracted vaccines will be able to leave the Belgium factory 👍

I was reading somewhere today that the UK vaccine roll-out seems to be leading the way - certainly the envy of pretty much everywhere else. I know that the government has come in for some bashing over how they've handled the Covid crisis in general, but at least they've got the vaccine roll-out mostly right so far.

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To be fair Jon, the basic message was straight forward enough, dont go out, wear a mask, wash hands, stay 2m apart, work from home if you can, essential travel only..... Not sure where it said go out rioting, causing criminal damage, travel 70 miles to go fishing.....

Like many, I have entered into the spirit of the law, rather than the letter of the law, taking all things into consideration, but I also know a lot of the people making a lot of noise about how poorly the government have done are the same ones that have been mouthing off about how it was all aconspiracy, how they werent going to wear masks or let the government stop them going out.... But now, it's Boris's fault?? There is no manual at westminster "What to do in a pandemic", it's pretty much make it up on the fly and adapt.....

Yes we have the most deaths. But we are also the most heavily populated piece of real estate this side of Hong Kong, so hardly surprising. And I would wager that Chinas figures are way ahead of ours, being a communist country, they are not exactly forthcoming on accurate info are they?

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8 hours ago, suzook12 said:

There is no manual at westminster "What to do in a pandemic", it's pretty much make it up on the fly and adapt.....

Although I agree whole heartedly with what you say Steve, this bit above just isn’t true. Apparently (according to the news channels) the government had spent quite a few million pounds and man hours the year before all this started on role play and action plan making , just for the kind of predicament we find ourselves in.  But because there had been a change in leadership the strategy wasn’t implemented at the times it should have been.
I’m Just what I heard on the news a few months back. I still don’t think it would have been dealt with any better by any PM or party.  

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10 hours ago, suzook12 said:

It's people like Geoff I feel sorry for, poor bloke has been too scared to break the rules, so much so, that still having the outdoor loo he hasn't had a shit since March 2020!! 🤣🤣

Steve thanks for your sympathy but no need for it!!! I have not been too scared to go out - it's been too cold and I have had no real need. We are lovely and warm and comfortable in our home (a smallish bungalow, but 2 bathrooms and a cloakroom designed and built by our selves of course) and have no family living closer than 125 miles (Canvey island and Plymouth) so visiting would not have been an option. We have basically tried to abide by both the letter and spirit of the regulations, and do get very cross when we see some of the mass gatherings and shenanigans of some (mostly younger, but not exclusively) people. I think that despite the best efforts of the media (especially the BBC) our government has actually performed quite well in what has been a very difficult situation. Geoff.

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3 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

Although I agree whole heartedly with what you say Steve, this bit above just isn’t true. Apparently (according to the news channels) the government had spent quite a few million pounds and man hours the year before all this started on role play and action plan making , just for the kind of predicament we find ourselves in.  But because there had been a change in leadership the strategy wasn’t implemented at the times it should have been.
I’m Just what I heard on the news a few months back. I still don’t think it would have been dealt with any better by any PM or party.  

There is also the point that every pandemic is deifferent, so what works for one may not necessarily work for another, so yes, it will still be on the fly and adapting, because unless you know what is coming you can't entirely prepare for it. And to be fair, we had had so many years of self serving politicians trying to deny Brexit and bogging down British politics with that. Anyway, it's all history now, we are here at this point and can only move forward...... I just get fed up with people trying to blame one person when they themselves have not followed the guidelines, we have all contributed to being where we are.... If ya want someone to blame, blame the bat eating twat!! 😉


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36 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Steve thanks for your sympathy but no need for it!!! I have not been too scared to go out - it's been too cold and I have had no real need. We are lovely and warm and comfortable in our home (a smallish bungalow, but 2 bathrooms and a cloakroom designed and built by our selves of course) and have no family living closer than 125 miles (Canvey island and Plymouth) so visiting would not have been an option. We have basically tried to abide by both the letter and spirit of the regulations, and do get very cross when we see some of the mass gatherings and shenanigans of some (mostly younger, but not exclusively) people. I think that despite the best efforts of the media (especially the BBC) our government has actually performed quite well in what has been a very difficult situation. Geoff.

Geoff, it's ok mate, no need to play it up for us, we understand. We know (cue hovis music) when you were a lad times were hard, and that you still live in shoebox at bottom of tut garden, with no heating  and clothes made from old socks sithee......... 🤣

I think since the beginning of Brexit, BBC news coverage has been extremely biased and disgustingly inaccurate, and not too fussed about not covering major news stories from the EU because it didn't fit their political agenda (helps having relatives abroad to keep ya up on such things)

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3 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

I think since the beginning of Brexit, BBC news coverage has been extremely biased and disgustingly inaccurate, and not too fussed about not covering major news stories from the EU because it didn't fit their political agenda (helps having relatives abroad to keep ya up on such things)

100% 👆🏻

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4 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

I still don’t think it would have been dealt with any better by any PM or party. 

This, I wholeheartedly agree with,

I know we are into the fringe of politics here, but as a nation in comparison to the Middle East and Asia where they had already been through SARS, we were woefully unprepared, hence our larger death toll. However, I think our Westminster incumbents have done a reasonable job................

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I’m not a political person but as an engineer I do like to understand data. 

COVID deaths are deaths WITH COVID or earlier in the pandemic WITH COVID SYMPTOMS. The death is not as simple as attributing it to COVID so it’s quite difficult to compare death rates of countries. There is also the hidden impact of what else has been put on hold due to COVID and deaths related to that.

It could be that once you take all that data and look into it the U.K. looks better? Or it could be worse. 

The main thing is the vaccination program. I think it’s been excellent. It’s very easy to look back in hindsight at what could be done better, but it appears that the powers that be got on witb it. Even our own Welsh Goverment have picked up the pace after much criticism. 

I must award full marks to Israel, they have really made an impact. Here is hoping that the results from their trials reflect in our figures and we can get ourselves out of lockdown soon. Hopefully leaders else where can stop arguing and focus on working together to fix this awful thing and not using it to play their own domestic political agendas!!! 

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1 hour ago, GPSguru said:


Just a small update ............

I am booked in to have my right eye cataract removed on the 20 Feb, the left eye will follow about 3 - 6 weeks later. 😎

Good luck.

I had both mine done in July, results are fantastic, no glasses now. 

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