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Covid Vac


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2 minutes ago, MegaByte said:

Good luck.

I had both mine done in July, results are fantastic, no glasses now. 

Thanks, i have my fingers crossed that it all turns out Ok, all my life I was blessed with excellent vision. I didn't need glasses until my mid 50's

I have gone from 20/20 vision (with varifocals) to a point where I can't read a number plate at 20m and varifocals make no difference ...... all in 2 years.

My night vision is completely non existent, I fell over twice in the autumn going to the loo in the early hours 🤣  ........ walking into a door feck'in hurts !

The medics have blamed it on my Ulcerative Colitis (also 2 years) which has been caused by an over active immune system ....... apparently the two are linked


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On 1/31/2021 at 9:18 AM, Geoff said:

The EU have backed down having made this particular wrong decision. They will however do everything possible to make our "seamless" trading with NI and the rest of the EU very disruptive. I have not heard of any serious problems affecting EU goods coming here. Anyway, that's enough from me or I shall have the PC brigade knocking on my door. 

  • Yesterday was jab day for me (Boston), and Joyce was booked in today for her jab at Flitwick (south of Bedford - about 70 miles away). J came with me to Boston and I asked if it would be possible for her to get jabbed at Boston and to cancel the other. They said no problem, cancelled her Flitwick jabs, re booked her for Boston and for her second jab to coincide with mine also. So now we have both been stabbed and look forward (12 weeks) the the follow up. I must say the whole experience was very good, friendly staff and very well managed. We did not know if there would be lots of waiting about so we took sandwiches, fruit and a flask of coffee. This was not needed so we found a large empty offroad layby on the way home and ate our takeway lunch - I dare not call it a picnic!!! Geoff. 


I have joined your club Geoff, I was jabbed today. It was a good move of the Hospital putting me on the 'reserve' list. I shall feel a lot happier going to the hospital for the eye surgery in 2 weeks time, the AZ jab will have just about had time to kick in by then.


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Well done Ian, I look forward to hearing how well your eye op went in a couple of weeks time. After your op is there a time limit (4-6 weeks) before you are officially allowed to drive. I would imagine that it takes a little while for post op healing. We both had the AZ jab, and had absolutely no noticeable side effects. I hope yours will be the same. Geoff.

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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

fter your op is there a time limit (4-6 weeks) before you are officially allowed to drive. I would imagine that it takes a little while for post op

When I enquired during the pre op process, they told me driving was allowed after 48 hours, provided that you can read a registration number at 20m (the legal requirement). However, long distance driving should be avoided for 6 weeks.

Also, I will not be allowed to lift anything heavy for 28 days, which is the healing period, apparently some folk heal in a couple of weeks, and others take longer.

Experience from previous injuries, tells me I am a relatively quick healer !

Like you, I have had no side effects from the Jab ..........


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3 hours ago, suzook12 said:

I am also on our local reserve list, was hoping to get the call today with the snow maybe stopping people getting in


You might get it quicker than you expect Steve, as there are some fussy folk that are turning down AZ jabs, and want the  Pfizer Vac. However, the Vac centres do not know in advance what Vac they have coming in, so that is actually a very bad strategy as these people could be waiting months for a Jab.

My take on it ........ anything is a 1000% better than nothing !

Also, I reckon, just like the flu Vac, there will be boosters every year and that will take into account any mutations.

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On 2/5/2021 at 7:58 PM, GPSguru said:


Just a small update ............

I am booked in to have my right eye cataract removed on the 20 Feb, the left eye will follow about 3 - 6 weeks later. 😎

wishing you well mate i hope all gose well.

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when you see it on the news ect, peopple having partys. weding receptions 40 or more ect it whont be there falt that peopol will die and be very ill , no it will be some one els, my land lady has had here jab ,but she is at risk.

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Good luck with your eye ops as well Pete. They do seem to be very good nowadays with these ops. I am still dreading the day that they decide mine are "ripe" enough to operate, but iam not quite so scared as I was a couple of years ago. Geoff.

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8 hours ago, MegaByte said:

It's a bit strange, being aware of it. They put drops in to stop you blinking and make it blurred. The eyelid was tapped to keep it open. You lay there and stare at a light. Didn't really feel anything, took about 45 minutes. Went back 3 weeks later to have the other one done. Mine were done through BUPA as I paid in while I worked. I also paid extra to have the better lenses.


Unfortunately, my BUPA membership finished when I retired at 57, as it was too complex to shift it to a private membership without a massive price hike.

I am guessing Brian, that you have multifocal lenses fitted (like varifocal glasses, but better). When I had my assessment the optician was Chilean, and I think he was quite impressed when I spoke to him in Latino Spanish, which I speak fluently, in fact, we conducted most of the session speaking in his native language ! After some consultation about my lifestyle, he told me that my eyes are very round and have little, or no, astigmatism, therefore he felt that standard lenses would work better for me and I might just need some reading glasses for 'closeup' work.





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17 hours ago, GPSguru said:


Unfortunately, my BUPA membership finished when I retired at 57, as it was too complex to shift it to a private membership without a massive price hike.

I am guessing Brian, that you have multifocal lenses fitted (like varifocal glasses, but better). When I had my assessment the optician was Chilean, and I think he was quite impressed when I spoke to him in Latino Spanish, which I speak fluently, in fact, we conducted most of the session speaking in his native language ! After some consultation about my lifestyle, he told me that my eyes are very round and have little, or no, astigmatism, therefore he felt that standard lenses would work better for me and I might just need some reading glasses for 'closeup' work.





There’s some story behind this 🙂 sounds like an interesting background 

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On 2/5/2021 at 7:58 PM, GPSguru said:


Just a small update ............

I am booked in to have my right eye cataract removed on the 20 Feb, the left eye will follow about 3 - 6 weeks later. 😎


A slight change, apparently due to an admin error, my appointment for surgery is now the 6th March, only a couple of weeks delay, but it gives the Vaccine chance to fully work. I was told that date in now fixed in concrete .............

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Just read this article about whether the government should include vaccine refusers in their calculations on when and whether to lift restrictions. I'm inclined to agree with Mark Harper... "if you don't get vaccinated the consequences are on you."


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1 hour ago, Andy135 said:

Just read this article about whether the government should include vaccine refusers in their calculations on when and whether to lift restrictions. I'm inclined to agree with Mark Harper... "if you don't get vaccinated the consequences are on you."


Completely agree! 

We need to get this into perspective. If you turn down care tough luck. Move on with it. If you choose to do drugs, well bad things are likely to happen. Stop with the nanny state and let people take account of their actions 

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42 minutes ago, JonC said:

It’s ok letting people suffer the consequences of their own actions, when those consequences knock on to other people it becomes a problem 

I agree with that but we need to be careful around the impact of this...

80% of deaths are in those aged 75+. They make up around 20% of the population. thankfully vast majority have been vaccinated. 

Im not knocking this virus but the effects are significantly reduced the younger you are. Older people die from flu as well. Fortunately we now have better treatment to cope. 

You can’t hold the population to ransom because some won’t get vaccinated. Obviously there is a knock on effect but unless you make illegal then not much you can do.

Always people not thinking of others. Look at other things such as alcohol, smoking, drug use, violence to others. Terrible things but you can’t lock the entire country down “just in case”

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6 minutes ago, Odyssey said:

Always people not thinking of others

That’s not what it is. Some people (and I’m one of them) won’t have any vaccination that has been rushed through. Not at least until it becomes apparent that there are no long term side effects. 

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34 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

That’s not what it is. Some people (and I’m one of them) won’t have any vaccination that has been rushed through. Not at least until it becomes apparent that there are no long term side effects. 

Really? I didn't have you down as a refuser Neil! What side effects are you concerned about?

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31 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

That’s not what it is. Some people (and I’m one of them) won’t have any vaccination that has been rushed through. Not at least until it becomes apparent that there are no long term side effects. 

The medical / biological technology for virus vaccines is well understood, and IMHO pretty safe.

If you are younger than I can understand the hesitancy, however, for us older folk the choice is easy ............ have a jab and not worry about the side effects, long term or otherwise, or catch the virus and maybe find yourself in hospital struggling for breath and suffering the other complications of blood clots etc ...............

For anybody over 60 the choice is a no brainer !

However, I fully understand that we live in a democratic society, and it is the individuals choice of jab or no jab ............. I am easy about it, as the 'jabbed' will exceed the 'no jab' by a massive majority.

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