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12 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

The point is, it doesn't stop everyone from contracting it, but it can stop many, and if you haven't got it, you can't spread it....

No Steve, it doesn’t stop your ability to catch it or spread it. Lessen it yes, stop it, no.

Taken from the NHS web site..


How effective is the COVID-19 vaccine?

The 1st dose of the COVID-19 vaccine should give you good protection from coronavirus. But you need to have the 2 doses of the vaccine to give you longer lasting protection.

There is a chance you might still get or spread coronavirus even if you have the vaccine.

This means it is important to:

  • continue to follow social distancing guidance
  • if you can, wear something that covers your nose and mouth in places where it's hard to stay away from other people

so whether you’ve had a vaccine or not, you can still catch and spread. 

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1 minute ago, suzook12 said:

The other point being, whether you want it or not, you should be considering your customers and whether they need you to have it..... Maybe watching panarama tonight might help you along......

Have you had your account hacked Steve? Your seriously starting to sound like LHP! 

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4 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

Have you had your account hacked Steve? Your seriously starting to sound like LHP! 

Not at all.... But seems my pointing out the attitude was bang on, you're clearly not interested in the welfare of your customers are you? If you had a normal job I wouldn't give a toss whether you had the jab or not, but you have a job taking you into other peoples homes, and any viruses you carry with you..... The rest of us aren't allowed in other peoples homes full stop period..... You would think that would tell you something

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9 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

you're clearly not interested in the welfare of your customers are you?

Steve, IF my customers were worried they wouldn’t let me in. Like I said earlier this morning whilst seriously bitting my lip, I take precautions with my family, my customers and myself. So before I really get pissed at you let’s drop it and leave it there ok. 

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39 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

Steve, IF my customers were worried they wouldn’t let me in. Like I said earlier this morning whilst seriously bitting my lip, I take precautions with my family, my customers and myself. So before I really get pissed at you let’s drop it and leave it there ok. 

Get pissed as much as you like....

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1 hour ago, Saintly Fish said:

Steve, IF my customers were worried they wouldn’t let me in. Like I said earlier this morning whilst seriously bitting my lip, I take precautions with my family, my customers and myself. So before I really get pissed at you let’s drop it and leave it there ok. 

IF your customers knew that you hadn't had the vaccine, being a key worker an all that, they would have the choice......

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1 hour ago, Saintly Fish said:

Steve, IF my customers were worried they wouldn’t let me in. Like I said earlier this morning whilst seriously bitting my lip, I take precautions with my family, my customers and myself. So before I really get pissed at you let’s drop it and leave it there ok. 

I can assure you, I have seriously had to bite my lip, hold my tongue or whatever other metaphor you choose to use a whole lot more, otherwise I probably would have been banned by now

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FFS .............. All the vociferous  opponents of freedom choice on here need to sit back and think.

We live in a democratic free state and there is no statute to be vaccinated.

We should respect that some folk might have reservations, it is THEIR choice, that should be respected.

Many of our forefathers paid the ultimate price in years gone by to allow us to have the freedom of choice that we have today.

From my own personal perspective I am easy about it. The take up of the over 70's has been in excess of 90% and the total take up is expected to be 80 - 90&, therefore the unvaccinated will be outnumbered significantly, for every 1,000,000, population, approx 900,000 will have been jabbed. Therefore, it matters little as the unvaccinated is such a small number (10 -20%)

The unvaccinated will most likely be very cautious, some will fall ill, some will fall very ill, some will die, but that is THEIR choice ......... and THEIR choice should be respected in our free society.

It is the feckers that have been vaccinated and then run riot over safety protocols that are a bigger issue !




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Some people just seem to be unable to see anything past there own views though. 
Even if I did want to jump the que and get a vaccine because I’m a key worker, I couldn’t because until at least March  front line workers are not included. This may well change though as it’s being considered. 




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5 minutes ago, GPSguru said:


FFS .............. All the vociferous  opponents of freedom choice on here need to sit back and think.

We live in a democratic free state and there is no statute to be vaccinated.

We should respect that some folk might have reservations, it is THEIR choice, that should be respected.

Many of our forefathers paid the ultimate price in years gone by to allow us to have the freedom of choice that we have today.

From my own personal perspective I am easy about it. The take up of the over 70's has been in excess of 90% and the total take up is expected to be 80 - 90&, therefore the unvaccinated will be outnumbered significantly, for every 1,000,000, population, approx 900,000 will have been jabbed. Therefore, it matters little as the unvaccinated is such a small number (10 -20%)

The unvaccinated will most likely be very cautious, some will fall ill, some will fall very ill, some will die, but that is THEIR choice ......... and THEIR choice should be respected in our free society.

It is the feckers that have been vaccinated and then run riot over safety protocols that are a bigger issue !




These crazy oldies are a nightmare in supermarkets, all hanging out, no social distancing just chatting to each other.... I know the pubs are closed so can someone introduce them to dating apps? It’ll keep the rest of us safe as they hang out flirting with each other 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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1 hour ago, GPSguru said:


FFS .............. All the vociferous  opponents of freedom choice on here need to sit back and think.

We live in a democratic free state and there is no statute to be vaccinated.

We should respect that some folk might have reservations, it is THEIR choice, that should be respected.

Many of our forefathers paid the ultimate price in years gone by to allow us to have the freedom of choice that we have today.

From my own personal perspective I am easy about it. The take up of the over 70's has been in excess of 90% and the total take up is expected to be 80 - 90&, therefore the unvaccinated will be outnumbered significantly, for every 1,000,000, population, approx 900,000 will have been jabbed. Therefore, it matters little as the unvaccinated is such a small number (10 -20%)

The unvaccinated will most likely be very cautious, some will fall ill, some will fall very ill, some will die, but that is THEIR choice ......... and THEIR choice should be respected in our free society.

It is the feckers that have been vaccinated and then run riot over safety protocols that are a bigger issue !




Yes you are right, that is their choice, but when their work takes them in to other peoples homes, those people have every right to expect every precaution to be taken, or at least be informed that that isn't the case so they then have the freedom of choice..... Freedom of choice does not give anyone the right to put others at risk of infection or worse! Same as any worker has the right to leave the job if the customer doesn't comply with their working conditions.

Once everyone has had the chance of having the vaccine, then thats another thing, but currently, heating systems don't take into account whether the owner has had that opportunity before breaking down

Fishy certainly would have been able to have the vaccine in this area thats for sure!!


Edited by suzook12
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10 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

Freedom of choice does not give anyone the right to put others at risk of infection or worse!


Unfortunately by definition, it does !

My plumber / engineer  (Tom) is due in the next week to service my boiler. Did I ask him if he had been vaccinated ? ......... no, of course I didn't, as it is none of my business.

However, I do expect him to follow the rules, which I know he will do.

Nothing has changed. If you don't like the way a trade's person performs their job, then you get rid of them, but that has absolutely nothing to do with whether they have been vaccinated or not, that is personal and not the business of the consumer.

Tom has suggested that we go out whilst he does the service, and he will lock up and post the key through the letterbox .............excellent

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18 minutes ago, GPSguru said:


Unfortunately by definition, it does !

Ah, i see, back to that "fuck you, I'm alright attitude"

Which appears to be the basis for your entire argument.

What you choose to be "none of your business" is entirely up to you

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4 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

Ah, i see, back to that "fuck you, I'm alright attitude"

Which appears to be the basis for your entire argument.

What you choose to be "none of your business" is entirely up to you

Do you ask all your trades people if they have been vaccinated against Flu, Pneumonia, measles, typhoid, cholera, dengue fever, SARS2, and yellow fever ? . No, I thought not.

I guess you are making more of the situation than is strictly necessary ! . Or maybe just being a little confrontational 🤣

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6 hours ago, suzook12 said:

Fishy certainly would have been able to have the vaccine in this area thats for sure!!

Did you not read the article I posted above Steve, even if I wanted to I cannot jump the que because key workers are not on the fast track plan as yet. 

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