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On 2/8/2021 at 5:37 PM, Geoff said:

Well done Ian, I look forward to hearing how well your eye op went in a couple of weeks time. After your op is there a time limit (4-6 weeks) before you are officially allowed to drive. I would imagine that it takes a little while for post op healing. We both had the AZ jab, and had absolutely no noticeable side effects. I hope yours will be the same. Geoff.


I had the right eye sorted out on Saturday, I removed the patch on Sunday morning, and it was like looking through a mist due to blurred vision, which although normal, it had me a little worried.

However, when I opened the curtain this morning the Sun was shinning, and I had to back away from the window because of the brightness, The result for my right eye is absolutely fantastic and way beyond my expectations. The sky is now bright blue instead of blue grey and white is brilliant white in my right eye, and yellow cream in my left eye.

I started driving again this afternoon once I had checked at what distance I can read a reg plate. The statutory distance is 20m, but I can still see it clearly at 30m plus.

The NHS staff were great and explained everything right through the procedure which does make you feel comfortable. The actual operation took about 10 minutes.

I now need to wear sunglasses (when it is sunny) as my eye will need time at adjust to the brighter light due to more light getting to the retina now that the dull and frosty lens has been removed. Fortunately I have kept my Ray Ban aviators (Zeiss glass lenses) which I paid a fortune for in 2001 !

I now only need reading glasses, and it has taken me all evening to find all my old glasses and construct a pair that work on the PC ๐Ÿ‘. The left eye will be done in 6 to 8 weeks and I can't see an optician until then !

Yes, I am well chuffed ..........๐Ÿ˜Ž


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Great news Ian, I am soย  p[eased that your op was went well, and only took about 10 mins to restore your sight in that eye,that is fantastic. I bet the next opย just can't come quickly enough. Geoff.โ˜บ๏ธ

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50 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Great news Ian, I am soย  p[eased that your op was went well, and only took about 10 mins to restore your sight in that eye,that is fantastic. I bet the next opย just can't come quickly enough. Geoff.โ˜บ๏ธ

Absolutely Geoff. I think it is going to be a 'long' 6 weeks !

When your turn comes around, it is absolutely nothing to worry about, they have the procedure very finely tuned.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Having read this morning's news I find myself getting pretty livid at the EU for their latest ploy with banning vaccine exports.


A classic example of changing the rules to suit themselves,ย to attempt to claw their way out of their vaccine planning disaster. The fact that it disadvantages the UK will be the icing on the cake for Macron and his cronies too I expect.

Disregarding the rule of law will, I hope, be the beginning of the end for the EU, at home and internationally. ๐Ÿคฌ

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9 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

Having read this morning's news I find myself getting pretty livid at the EU for their latest ploy with banning vaccine exports.


A classic example of changing the rules to suit themselves,ย to attempt to claw their way out of their vaccine planning disaster. The fact that it disadvantages the UK will be the icing on the cake for Macron and his cronies too I expect.

Disregarding the rule of law will, I hope, be the beginning of the end for the EU, at home and internationally. ๐Ÿคฌ

This is a truly despicable act by the eu. However, seeing as this is an โ€œOxfordโ€ vaccine, why the hell was its production outsourced in the first place? Surely making our own vaccine would have been a more sensible idea?ย 
Ok so maybe itโ€™s because we donโ€™t have the facilities, but just goes to show that selling off our assets and production facilities and relying on foreign imports is a bad idea.ย 

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It was never outsourced. It's being made inside the UK too at AZ facilities. In order to increase production rate they are usingย the AZ production lines across the world, including those inย the EU, and its these ones that the EU have their sights set on.

An export ban won't stop the UK from vaccinating its population, just slow it down. A delay that will cause many more needless additional UK deaths. Deathsย which could in theory be attributed to an EU restriction. A cause for legal action against the EU by bereaved families maybe....?

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16 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

It was never outsourced.

Ok I didnโ€™t know this (I donโ€™t sit in front of a pc screen all day like some or read the guardian ๐Ÿ˜‡).

Still itsย reckless and stupid by the EU, not just for our population but theirs too!ย 

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it sows there real coulers,ย  thay dont whont anybody eals to leave, so flexing there musels and making a lot of noise about it is for home use. (look how strong we are)its not our falt we screwed up the vaxernations its all the falt of thoes nusty british falt.


truble is that the rest of the would can see the truth.

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I am thankful that the EU have truly shown to their champions what us oldies knew all along and why we wanted out!

Even if individuals do take it to court surely it would end up in the european court of "justice" which will have its own agenda and pre determined outcome?

Hopefully the WTO will step in and hold the EU to account....

They seem to think they can have their "cake and eat it" to quote an EU used phrase.......

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The EU will do everything possible to make things difficult for the UK as they are terrified that if we make a success of Brexit, others will want to follow. The blood clot "scare" was IMHO just a political ploy to cover their own poor performance, but has also had the effect of reducing (not as much as I think they would have wanted) the popularity of the AZ vac. here, which WILL increase our death/severe illness rate. Thisย EU actionย hasย also deterred aย number of their own citizens from wanting the AZ vac atย  time when they are trying to play catch up. It should also be remembered that byย our governments early actions, the Oxford AZ product was able to achieve the speedy results that we see now. It is an absolute nobrainer that even if there was/is a possible blood clot side effect, the risks of non vacination is far greater. As somebody said earlier in this thread - the EU are now showing their true colours - I just hope that not too many people are colourblind. I know that we are supposed to refrain from political comment, but the EU actions just make my blood boil. Geoff. No winks, no smiles because it's just not cricket, and much sadder than sad.ย Geoff.

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8 minutes ago, JonC said:

Ok take this ad an official warning, donโ€™t make me get medieval on your arseโ€™s -

No Political shit.ย 

That is NOT political Jon - just telling it like it is - something that used to be be called "the truth". Whatever happened to "freedom of speech"ย  Geoff.

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25 minutes ago, JonC said:

Ok take this ad an official warning, donโ€™t make me get medieval on your arseโ€™s -

No Political shit.ย 

Sorry M'lud. I started this, not Geoff or the others. I'll consider myself duly told off...ย ๐Ÿ˜”

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