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3 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

Did you not read the article I posted above Steve, even if I wanted to I cannot jump the que because key workers are not on the fast track plan as yet. 

Did you not read my reply, in this area you would have had it already.....

Anyway, bored of the subject now, points made, cards marked.....

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I had a voicemail from my docs yesterday to call me up for the jab - not sure how I feel about it - I'm 43, and seemingly fit and healthy - I did have a kidney removed due to cancer 4 yrs ago but needed no further treatment - just waiting for the 5 years all clear in Dec - could it be because I'm still within the 5 yrs of the Op? I wasn't told to Isolate/Shield, or told I was high risk before so why am I being called up? image.gif.8d2231e959166e93af39a8b3d2989b8e.gif

or are they doing it alphabetically and they've reached the Fs?

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2 minutes ago, mike farrants said:

I had a voicemail from my docs yesterday to call me up for the jab - not sure how I feel about it - I'm 43, and seemingly fit and healthy - I did have a kidney removed due to cancer 4 yrs ago but needed no further treatment - just waiting for the 5 years all clear in Dec - could it be because I'm still within the 5 yrs of the Op? I wasn't told to Isolate/Shield, or told I was high risk before so why am I being called up? image.gif.8d2231e959166e93af39a8b3d2989b8e.gif

or are they doing it alphabetically and they've reached the Fs?

Got to be because you're on their radar I would have thought. Whatever the reason, I say go for it... although if you've read the previous posts already you'll know that the Outlaws' opinions are split on this 😉

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4 minutes ago, mike farrants said:

I had a voicemail from my docs yesterday to call me up for the jab - not sure how I feel about it - I'm 43, and seemingly fit and healthy - I did have a kidney removed due to cancer 4 yrs ago but needed no further treatment - just waiting for the 5 years all clear in Dec - could it be because I'm still within the 5 yrs of the Op? I wasn't told to Isolate/Shield, or told I was high risk before so why am I being called up? image.gif.8d2231e959166e93af39a8b3d2989b8e.gif

or are they doing it alphabetically and they've reached the Fs?

I’d say it most likely because your on the more vulnerable list. Especially as you’ve had some major surgery and still within the 5 years. 

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9 minutes ago, mike farrants said:

one kidney shouldnt affect my immune system, (it does make me a cheap date 🍻 aka 2 pint Mike)

i get that i should take it - but shouldn't it go to someone more needy first?

Only you can make that decision Mike.

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45 minutes ago, mike farrants said:

one kidney shouldnt affect my immune system, (it does make me a cheap date 🍻 aka 2 pint Mike)

i get that i should take it - but shouldn't it go to someone more needy first?

The health service obviously thinks that you do qualify for the jab so if you are prepared to have it done, I would suggest that that you go for it. The sooner more people are done, the better for everyone IMHO, but then I am a well known pro jabber! Geoff.

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ive had my jab, so quick in and out.the worst part was siting in the car for 15 mints before going home.but i got out of the house, i was serprised to see so much trafick on the road though , it was 7.30 pm i didnot realize southampton was not in lock down???????

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5 hours ago, JonC said:

Well done, glad to hear you’ve been done and that you most probably won’t succumb to the virus, I know you have been staying in a lot over the last year. 
Just a thought about the 15 minutes in the car, what was on the radio? Was you listening to Mews or something? Or the Archers perhaps? 

no the radio dose not woork it has to be replaced as the previes owner dose not know the code, i only got the car this summer from my loocal garage.. its only a cheepe car till i get the bedford cf on the road againe

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Just now, Saintly Fish said:

In my van. 

My garage was turned into an office. 2 thirds is office and 1 third store room for my bait fridge and tackle. In the summer the office is being shrunk by 50% and the rooF above is getting all boarded out. Then I can move my tackle up stairs and have the extra space for a work shop. 

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1 minute ago, JonC said:

If you are using your summer house to store stuff it by default becomes a shed. 
You can try to be as snobby as you like but we see through it.

Yeah but he had his butler put it in there...

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12 hours ago, captin slows old outlaw said:

no the radio dose not woork it has to be replaced as the previes owner dose not know the code, i only got the car this summer from my loocal garage.. its only a cheepe car till i get the bedford cf on the road againe

There are a few websites you can get the code from, cost about a tenner iirc, used one a few years back with good result


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