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Come on then... who's out at the weekend?

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7 hours ago, JDP said:

Only did a quick dog walk on the beach and took a rod for a couple of salmon to make fish bake. I have a big trip coming up though next week, 4300km up the coast and 90km offshore to an island where I will fish for 10-12 days. 

I pressed thee agree button, not because I agree, but because it is the colour of envy! Good luck with your trip, and looking forward to the pics. Geoff

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Stuff the fishing we had a great day. 

Swimming pool in the morning, snacks afterwards, snooze for the little tyke and another cuppa for grandad, lunch then meeting friends and finally an hour at the beach throwing stones in the water, saying hi to the dogs, paddling, running, drawing in the sand with sticks, fingers and ice cream afterwards. 

If I went fishing I'd be asleep by now and waking up tomorrow aching all over. 

It's the little things. 

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16 hours ago, Malc said:

Stuff the fishing we had a great day. 

Swimming pool in the morning, snacks afterwards, snooze for the little tyke and another cuppa for grandad, lunch then meeting friends and finally an hour at the beach throwing stones in the water, saying hi to the dogs, paddling, running, drawing in the sand with sticks, fingers and ice cream afterwards. 

If I went fishing I'd be asleep by now and waking up tomorrow aching all over. 

It's the little things. 

Great post ………. Wait until you have to do the afternoon school run, that can be a challenge. We do it 3 days per week, but it at least allows me to go fishing in the morning and pick up the tiddler at 3:00pm, but parking the jeep and the RIB at the school sometimes presents a challenge. 



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1 hour ago, JonC said:

I’ve invited myself out on my own boat. Not a great forecast so I’ll just stay in the river, the water temperature is still up so there may be some bass about still. I’ve got some bacon and there’s a couple of pot noodles onboard. 
I just hope I don’t get a last minute text uninviting me in the night. 

Stand by... just texting you now....

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6 hours ago, Andy135 said:

I'm out early tomorrow with Leo. He's got somebody tagging along as a care in the community case. Should be a fun day, and at least my windows will be nice and clean afterwards.

Will be the only part of your boat that is clean. 

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Yes, will be heading out this weekend. Floods have meant my trip up north from the bottom of the country to the top end has now needed to be re-routed adding an extra 1000km to the trip but its still going ahead. 
It will be 8 days of towing (4 each way) the boat and 12 days of remote island fishing. I was going to take some shark gear but have since decided to pull that gear from the tackle being taken as sharks up there can be a total pest but Im sure plenty will find us.
My daughter just returned having been in the same area for the past month, where her best day was over 100 barramundi in one day between two of them. The reef fishing was also next level.

Many of my trips have been with very windy weather up that way, so hoping this time will be better. At least the daily average of 33'c will defrost me after this cold winter we've had. Only wish JonC was coming with me but we can all dream I suppose. 

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Milwaukee Superbike??

Contradiction in terms right there.......

Milwaukee, home of Hardly Driveables and dubious quality power tools....


That line up is about as enticing as an invite to a vaseline party from Stephen Fry at a Brighton hotel during pride week to a 100% heterosexual guy

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